Success comes with Desire

I want to Ask you this question. What will you Attempt if you know you could never fail? start now and then and begin to do it.
I was in a seminar, and this question was asked in the seminar.
If God was sitted beside you right now, and says ''Son lets make money'', How much would you ask for? make sure you write that down in a piece of paper. so many go through life without getting the best out of it because they don't have the recipe for success.
have you ever thought of why an individual would make a cake of pie and it taste delicious, someone taste that pie and tries to make his own. that persons has the recipe for success, success does not come by mere sitting down, you must work so you can become successful.
if people were asked today what is your plan for the future, most of them would have nothing tangible to reach must decide what you want, and then act with believe that you are going to get it because you deserve it.
let it be known that ''the tragedy of life is not reaching your goals, but having no goals to reach for.
it is no crime not to reach for the stars, but it is a crime not to have any stars to reach for.
it is no crime to die unfulfilled, but having no fulfillment to reach for. it all begin with the believe you having in yourself.
nothing is ever impossible, the word impossibility does not exist, it only exist in the hearth that nurtures it. '' With God Nothing shall be Impossible".
it all start's with a burning desire to succeed, when this desire grows into obsession nothing stands on your way except you.
How badly do you want Change? You can become the CEO of that Organization, You can become a Boss of your own. You can become anything.
Dream bigger than your Expectation, dream bigger than you can ever accomplish in life.
some try they fail, they try they fail, try fail,try fail and they eventually give up. do not give up on your ambitions, on your plans, on your goal, just keep pushing, keep striving until you get to your final destination.
" our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, sometimes we ask our selves who am I to be Gorgeous, Talented and Fabulous. actually who are you not to be? you were born to make manifest the glory of God and as you do so give others the chances to do the same.
Develop the Mentality of I Can and you will see your self Doing thing Others can't. Remember nothing ever changes until you change. You must make sure what you indulge in on a daily bases draws you closer to your dream.
