
Showing posts from April, 2017

GM'S Super Cruise' Tesla Auto Pilot Competitor Arrives In A cadillac This Fall.

GM will soon launch it's Super Cruise Cadillac CT6. GM will launch its Super Cruise advanced highway automatic driving feature this fall, debuting first in the new Cadillac CT6. Super Cruise has been in the works for a few years now, and the semi-autonomous drive mode is finally almost ready for its debut, after its release date was pushed form 2016 to 2017 to give engineers more time to focus on designing the safest system possible. Super Cruise offers features very similar to Tesla’s Autopilot, which can take over control of driving in highway settings, maintaining lane position and adapting speed based on surrounding traffic. The feature will be available on a limited basis, with access narrowed to “divided, limited-access highways” with “defined ‘on’ and ‘off’ ramps” according to  The Verge . The system will also track driver head position using infrared cameras built into the steering wheel that will make sure they pay attention while the feature is engaged, and will a

Tribute pour in for Spotify's Chris Bevington, Victim of Stockholm Terror Attack.

Add caption Spotify CEO and co founder has paid tribute to Chris Bevington 41, who was unlucky to be among the four people that were killed on Saturday at Stocholm attack. before his death, Bevington was a director of global partnership at the music streaming service . Ek said he was “devastated” by the news. “It is with shock and a heavy heart that I can confirm that Chris Bevington from our Spotify team lost his life in Friday’s senseless attack on Stockholm,” he said. The following is his  full statement , taken from his public post on Facebook: “It is with shock and a heavy heart that I can confirm that Chris Bevington from our Spotify team lost his life in Friday’s senseless attack on Stockholm. Chris has been a member of our band for over 5 years. He has had a great impact on not just the business but on everyone who had the privilege to know and work with him. There are no words for how missed he will be or for how sad we all are to have lost him like this. Whilst

How To Be Free From Depression, Anger and worry.

you know its freedom to not be angry all the time, its freedom. welcome to enjoying every day life. enjoy this audio program.

The Reason For Existence.

Dalai Lama

Success, It All Lies Within You.

Founder Of Virgin Airline.

Bradely Cooper and Irina Shayk Finally Becomes Parents

Bradley Cooper finally becomes a dad, and that entails his woman Irina Shayk a mom too, They had their baby 2 weeks ago, but kept under wraps, this is the first baby for both couples. It's baby #1 for both Bradley and Irina, who have been dating for 2 years. No word on whether it's a boy or girl.

How Efe Won Big Brother Naija.

When Ebuka announced Efe as the Big Brother Naija winner, Nigeria erupted in celebration. From Warri to Jos, to Lagos, to Kano, Nigerians reacted with joy. Efe’s win was expected. He had been touted as the winner throughout the duration of the show and many Nigerians made sure he won by the way they canvassed for votes on his behalf. also predicted his win. The other housemates all had campaigns for them but none came close to Efe’s. I mean, people organized rallies for him, prayer sessions and almost all celebrities lined up behind him. Some say it was his down to earth nature while others said it was the fact that people could relate to him that made him win. everything boils down to how things are for Nigerians at the moment. We voted a a President who many people felt was a man for the masses but in recent times, this hasn't been the case. President Buhari's economic policies have alienated him from the masses and as a result, many turned to Efe, the hustler from

The Rock vs Vin Diesel who is the best

The Rock VS Vin Diesel Who is the Best The Rock and Vin Disel has been credited for being one of the best Actors in American. this two Actors has won a lot of award and titles. they are known for their strength and swiftness most especially when it comes to gun battles or action movies. who is the best, that's what it's all about. they are both great Actors though, but someone has to be the best.

US strikes On Syria.

US Reprisal Attack ON Syria The US has Launched an air strike with 59 Tomahawk missile on Syria ,report says. Donald Trump said he had approved a targeted military strike on an air field in Syria. the US made a reprisal attack after a chemical attack was launched on it's citizens from the same targeted air field. why would the Syria attack innocent troops who were just carrying out their day to day activities. Trump who made an outstanding proclamation before he won the presidential election is really acting according to his speech. he promised to deal with those Islamic radical who's aim and objectives is too cause nuance to citizens in the US.

Daniel Craig Convinced To Go One More Role As James Bond.

Daniel Craig It is incredibly hard for an actor of Daniel Craig's standing and stature in the industry to walk back on set for a role that he said he would rather  "slash his wrists" for  than return one day. However, as the escalating soap opera that has been the casting for James Bond 25 continues to take twist after turn, it appears as though the Englishman favors one final hurrah at the franchise. A source close to  Page Six  has explained that producer Barbara Broccoli had a heart-to-heart with the  Spectre  star and while he was skeptical about reprising his role as 007, the worm might be turning. Without any official announcement from the studio or statement from the man himself contrary to his "wrist" slashing comments, the speculation has suddenly turned from auditioning new candidates to bringing Craig back into the fold for a finale. no one expected Craig who said he resignd from acting, to find his way back. he has stirred in different movies

Is it possible to see something that, by definition, is impossible to see?

What Does A Black Whole Looks Like? At the hearth of the milky way there is a super massive black hole that feeds up a spinning disk of hot gas, sucking up anything that ventures too close even Light.

Soldier ''Fear Not that ye Might Fail''.

Captain ''Fear Not''. Fear not that ye might fail, rather fear that if you do not try and is unwilling to take risk you will not succeed. Peter Harnendes was a teacher, he could barely make a living out of his teaching job due to how meager his monthly salary was. later on he had about an investment that would have been a turning point in his life. this man never invested for the fear of not loosing his money on the long Run. for you to succeed you must be willing and able to take risk. in life no man has ever succeeded without the ability to take risk. have you not observed that Soldiers who are bold enough to take risk soon gains the attention of the boss and even his colleagues, this in turn gains him more respect from his colleagues and even his boss, not just that he is loved by all and in no time because the head man. fear has done more harm than good in an individual life. some one rightly quoted ''fear is too lonely to see that courage is his tw

The Number One Reason People Fail.

Missed Opportunity is # one cause of failure in life. no one reason people do not become successful is not because of the lack of talent, not because of lack of ability, not because of lack of resources. the number one reason people do not become massively successful is because they are not alert and awake to take advantage of obvious opportunities. Willie Jolly said, and i quote '' there is no shortage of money but there is shortage of people being alert and awake to take advantages of obvious opportunities''. you must be alert and awake to see and take advantage of every opportunity around you. it is only then you can become successful in all.

Here is What The Most Successful People in The World Do.

Tony Robbins. If you're going to succeed in anything, if you're going to take your life to another level and make a real breakthrough, then you need strategies. Whether it is in your relationship, your career, your health, your finances, your happiness – you need to know how to make the shift. Tony Robbins has spent the majority of his life looking for the strategies that bring the quickest results, in the shortest amount of time with the most enjoyment and the least amount of pain. And one of the most powerful strategies he has discovered is modeling. Success leaves clues. If someone is consistently successful, they aren't just lucky, they have a strategy that works. And if you study them, you can figure out what it is, and you can learn and adopt their patterns and save yourself decades of trial and error. This modeling strategy is so powerful, that it has become the lifeblood of some of the most accomplished people in the world, including Tim Ferriss. Tim has be

The History Of Lamborghini.

Lamborghini Ferruccio Elio Arturo was an italian industralist. born to grape farmers from the commune of Centos in the Emila Romagna region. his mechanical know who led him to enter the business of tractor manufacturing in 1948, when he founded Lamborghini Trattori, which quickly became an important manufacturer of agricultural equipment in the midst of italys' post wwii economic boom. he opened an oil heater  factory, Lamborghini Bruciator, which later entered the business of producing air condition equipment. in 1963, he most famously created Automobili Lamborghini, a maker of high end sports cars in sant'Agata Bolognese. Lamborghini founded a fourth company, Lamborghini Oleodinamica in 1969. Lamborghini sold off many of his intrest by the late 1970's and retired to an estate inUmboria, were he pursued wine making.

Kim Kardashian Goes Full Evil Queen In Pat MCGrath's New Eye Kit

Kim On Make Up what made Kim Kardashian an icon is her neutral, contoured eye. added the make up guru. Listen to kim "I've never actually done an eye like this," Kim told E! News. "It's glossy and sparkly and dramatic! I really loved it. I've been dressing down so much lately—this was a fun treat to get all glammed up and play with makeup." Where would she recommend to wear a look like this? "Any party or night out." Is it Friday night yet? When it came to picking her "In the Mirror" series muse (yes, this is going to be a series, so get excited), Kim was the obvious choice. "Our first collaboration with Kim was at the start of Pat McGrath Labs in fall 2015 with Gold 001. There's literally only one woman in the world who is as big a beauty junkie as I am—and that's her! We talk for hours about our favorite products and newest tips and tricks," Pat explained. "So, what could be better than working with a g

Amazon Recently Launched Social Media Platform Undergoes Beta

Amazon launches it's own social media Platform. one of the greatest online stores known as amazon has decided to launch its own social media platform, like the likes of facebook, twitter and instagram. this are just but a few that can be mentioned for now. The company has quietly launched their's, known as '' the Amazon Influencer'',. which is still under beta test. the new program is some what similar to Amazon Affilate program which pays commision when a purchase is made via a customer. prior to writing this, it is not yet open because it  still under beta test. some of you might want to know the difference between this two program.  well in other for you to be accepted as an amazon influencer you must submit an application that must be scrutinized and reviewed before you can be accepted. unlike the Amazon Affiliate program as we all know does not require any form of application. you only use the sign up button and then start building links on your bl

Apple Music Now on Android catches up with ios

Apple and Android Collaborates Apple’s subscription streaming service,  Apple Music , rolled out a major (ver. 2.0) release to Android users today, introducing a new design that largely brings the app to parity with its iOS counterpart. The update includes a visual makeover, which organizes content into a few main sections – Library, For You, Browse, and Radio – as on iOS. The Now Playing screen also resembles the screen on iOS, and includes lyrics integration. However, it’s clear that Apple Music for Android is not a priority for Apple, despite its seeming intentions to compete with rival services like Spotify or the now on-demand Pandora, for instance. Case in point: this new version of Apple Music Android app is essentially catching up to the iOS one that rolled out with iOS 10…you know,  last fall.

Fifty years From Now Human Will Become Obsolete

Homo Deus Hard Cover Dust Jacket Investors searching for the next transformative technology destined to turn a bunch of Ivy League dropouts into billionaires, and half the market into a loose slot machine, need only look in the mirror. “The greatest industry of the 21st century will probably be to upgrade human beings,” historian Yuval Harari, author of the fascinating new book “Homo Deus,” told MarketWatch ‘For the first time in history it will be possible to translate economic inequality into biological inequality.’ For all of humanity’s scientific, economic and artistic achievements, we have neglected this ultimate self-improvement project, Harari said. Our bodies and brains, after all, still run on the same hardware and software that evolved some 200,000 years ago. As new technologies yield humans with much longer battery lives, killer apps and godlike superpowers, within the next six decades, if Harari is right, even the finest human specimens of 2017 will in hinds

This Man Created the Telephone we Use Today.

Alexander Graham is a Scottish born scientist , inventor, Engineer and innovator. Alexander Graham Bell is commonly credited as the inventor of the first practical telephone. he always made this statement when he was testing his newly born discovery '' Watson, come here i want to see you!'' A telephone or phone is a telecommunication device that makes it possible for two or more people to conduct a conversation when they are far to be heard by each other. we all enjoy the benefit today. that was someone idea, you've got to think big before you can succeed. The Brain who created the Telephone.

Naira Finally Gains At The Parallel Market as CBN boost Dollar Supplies.

The Naira today  being April 4, appreciated against the Dollar at the parallel market. According to reports. the local currency was exchanged for N390 per dollar against N395 on monday. And against the Euro and  pound sterling was valued at  N415 and N480 at the black market yesterday. thanks to the government is like they have decided to sit up to their responsibility, and we do hope that it's going to come down to it's usual price N180.

A Frank Talk About Money With Robert Kiyosaki

I N T E R V I E W S E R I E S I N T E R V I E W S E R I E S Robert Kiyosaki money show Talk. A Frank Talk About Money: What Financial Expert Robert Kiyosaki And His Buddhist Nun Sister Taught Each Other About Life Not so long ago, people were taught to find good jobs and work hard so that someday they might enjoy a nice pension. But according to Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, that’s a dinosaur, “industrial-aged” idea. And many people who are currently looking to others for money – whether it’s the government, their pension plans, or even God – are getting a cruel wake-up call in today’s economy. Tenzin, Robert’s sister, is one of those people. As a Buddhist nun, she was only concerned with the simple life until she got cancer and heart disease. Faced with medical bills that her insurance wouldn’t cover, she turned to her brother for help. They ended up learning valuable life lessons from each other that not only combined purpose with practicality but also kindne

great men and mentors.

its no doubt that each and every successful people have a mentor whom they admired. below are some of the well known men and their mentors. Bill and mentor Oprah mentor zurgerberg and mentor lolz this last one is a joke. how can you mentor this creature.but one thing is sure, every successful person ones had a mentor.

Kim Kardashian May Undergo surgery for the third child.

Kim Desire For The Third Child. Kim Kardashian the wife of the popular singer Kanywest revealed of her desire of having the third child. and report says she may have no other option than to undergo a surgery. Kim Kardashian can't afford to carry  any further pregnancy because of her health condition which is known as Placenta accreta. Placenta acreta is caused when the blood vessel and other peat of the body grow too deeply into the uterine wall. you can see that is a very big problem for her. but we do hope that she is going to be fine.Friends if you like kindly comment below the post do share your response. thanks for reading:)

Nicki Minaj Shows Off.

Nicki Minaj shows off her Sexy body  which she captioned another day another slay. she looks so cute as she steps out in her specially customized cloth. she looks so hot in this stunning cloths. shows off her Body

Contraceptives are one of the greatest antipoverty, we will give women access to them.

Melinda Gate Foundation Last week, just a few days after the White House proposed dramatic cuts to health and development aid, I headed to Indonesia. The timing was coincidental — the trip had been planned for months — but the reason I was going happened to be especially relevant to our country’s national debate. Indonesia has strategically used foreign aid to transform itself from a poor nation into a middle-income one. I was there to talk about the role that smart investments in contraceptives have played in the transformation. Many people don’t realize the role contraceptives play in building a more stable and prosperous world. For most of my life, I certainly didn’t. But after Bill and I started our foundation and I began spending time in developing countries, women kept telling me about their unmet need for family planning and asking what I could do to help. When I started looking at the data, I learned that contraceptives are actually one of the greatest anti-poverty innov