
Showing posts from December, 2016

No Cross No Crown

Many times in life the road to the crown is through the cross. poverty as groomed many millionaires today, because necessity is the mother of invention and discoveries. the great novel, ''Robinson Crusoe'' was written in prison. John Bunyan wrote the ageless ''Pilgrim's Progress'' - the great novel that has produced many films worldwide in a Bedford prison. Martin Luther translated the Bible while confined in the castle of Wartburg. A man called Dante under Death Sentence wrote powerful books that led to the French Revolution of the 12th century. his work were burnt in public after his death. many great men owe the grandeur of their lives to the tremendious difficulties. Difficulties call out great but hidden qualities and make greatness possible. The harder the Diamond, the more brilliant the Luster. Williams Shakespear was holding horses at a cinema hall for Rich Men and that drove him to write one of his best plays ever : The Immortal Harmlet.

Jesus is the Answer

have you toiled for so long, have you been so confused in life, carrier, ambition that you seem not to know where you are fitted for? are you going through pains that you cannot explain? i present someone to you whom i know surely will ease your burden, your stress, your pain, and make it a lighter one for you. his name is Jesus, he is the answer for the world today and above him there is no other. he can help you surely, and if he fails you, do what so ever you want with me. he never fails, his hands are open wide. he said "come ye that Labour and i will give you rest''. if you accept him and embrace him today you would not have to toil from one course to the other looking for where you fit in, you will save yourself the stress from jumping from one ground to the other trying to discover your purpose and destiny. let me tell you he created you, oh yes he knows and would show you everything you need to make your future a bright and outstanding one. John 3 : 16 for God so

Failure is not the end of the road.

we are faced with unpleasant circumstance and situation many times, but that does not mean we should give up. give up is not the best option when you fail. the best option is try, try, and try again. Willie Jollie said failure is not the end of the road, it is a bend on the road. failure should be seen as part of life and an indication that we should jump and pass and then move on. no man has ever achieved worth while success in any endeavour without failing.

Zero can become hero

It was Abraham Lincoln who said ''Nobody has ever expected me to be president''. the secret of portugal at Euro 2016 has a bonded message for you and everyone out there! That Portugal beat France  1-0 to become current European football champion in July 2016 is no longer news! The big news was the fact that it was a substitute player who was considered not fit to start the game, who scored the winning and history making goal. before the game all eyes had been on Cristiano Ronaldo

merry Chrismas

its a season of celebration, a season of love in the air, as we celebrate the birth of christ. you must show love to someone out there today by sharing with them what you have. it doesn't matter how small it is. you will see someone who would appreciate. show some care, it may lift someone from dungeon of despair.

strong Shield war, great victory.

your shield war must be strong, in the days of old when there was no guns, no bombs, no missile, rocket or any modern day war equipments. the people fought only with sword and a shield war. battle was a face me i face you issue, it is not like today where you can kill target your opponent from afar. in those days you must come in direct contact with your opponent and the only source of protection was your shield war. the shield war is a metallic instrument shaped like a circle, used to block or cover your self  from facing the cut and thrust of battle. soldiers would form a shield war and another soldier would run as fast as he can to hit the shield war, if it breaks open then it is not strong enough. the shield war has to be strong as possible to prevent enemies from penetrating. if your shield war is strong enough each of you would form a link in the chain that would be stronger than iron. a soldier one's said one thing is more important than killing. Survival, so you can retur

15 kilometers Home

when i was younger i attended a school about 15 kilometer away from home. so one day i used up my transport fair with the hope that my plans would definitely work out, the reverse was the case. How could i ever get home? i was so devastated and had no other choice than to trek home. i started his journey with a thought of " when would i get home''? little did i know that i was closer to my dreams the very first moment i had made up my mind to use the only option left( to trek home) step by step my dreams came true. Lesson worthy of note was numerous, and these lesson would forever remain a classic and a story to tell. '' The circumstance is not as difficult as it seems to be, it only appears to. slow and steady the leg was made to take us home. yet we feel all hope is lost when we don't find any fast moving object to zoom us as quick as possible to our destination. As i traveled half way about 7.5 kilometers i reailzed there was nothing to worry about. my v