Jesus is the Answer

have you toiled for so long, have you been so confused in life, carrier, ambition that you seem not to know where you are fitted for? are you going through pains that you cannot explain? i present someone to you whom i know surely will ease your burden, your stress, your pain, and make it a lighter one for you. his name is Jesus, he is the answer for the world today and above him there is no other. he can help you surely, and if he fails you, do what so ever you want with me. he never fails, his hands are open wide. he said "come ye that Labour and i will give you rest''. if you accept him and embrace him today you would not have to toil from one course to the other looking for where you fit in, you will save yourself the stress from jumping from one ground to the other trying to discover your purpose and destiny. let me tell you he created you, oh yes he knows and would show you everything you need to make your future a bright and outstanding one.
John 3 : 16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. nothing is difficult for that man, give him your life and i bet on my life and that of my family ''he will set you free''.
have you ever pondered on the word ''Whosoever''? meaning anybody, as many as, as many that wants. it is never restricted to any tribe or religion, financial background or educational status, literate or the blacks. be you a smoker, a drunkard, a thief, a fighter, a womanizer, a liar, a false accuser, a killer, from Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, American or Egypt, Korea or Uruguay, french or English, Chinese or Dutch. whatsoever be your sins, he is capable. he will carry them all. no matter how deep you have gone into sin he would save you, cleanse you, forgive and forget it on the cross. this man died on the cross for the sake of all mankind to redeem us from the satanic bondage so we can live freely.
he said the thought i have toward you, is the thought of good and not of evil to bring you to an expected end. come to him by simply
1. confess your sins.
2. Ask him to forgive you
3. Promise him not to go back to them again
4. Thank him for answering.
praise the Lord you are free. and if you die now you would rest forever with him in a place where you never grow old, a place where there is no night, a place where you will never hunger nor taste, a place where there is no struggles or strife, a place where you don't need to Labour before you get what you want.
you are blessed, Thank you.


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