One of the compelling reasons to invest is not having to work your entire life. We experience financial crash because of financial irresponsibility. By investing your money you are getting your money to generate more money. The pyramid financial is a very good example on how to invest. Without fears of going into bankruptcy. The pyramid is one of the most stable structure on earth with the top and the four lines going down. You sit on top and there are four corners at the bottom that provides you with strong base support. each one of those corners is a financial account and the lines represent some sort of directive positive mechanism that sends money into each one of these four account. These are the tricks the Rich and Wealthy do and the poor thinks they are just destined to have money. You must not start big, in the real sense starting small is the best. When you look for four good sector to invest in when one crash you still have three. When two crash you still have two, when t...