Thought motivates people into action. One of the reasons people do not become massively successful is because they are satisfied with the position they are in present and so they just don't find it necessary to think. When you are fully focused on a thought. the blood vessel, adrenalin, and muscles becomes more active. This in turn pushes you into action that would yield the result of your desires.
A notorious armed robber said" the prison is not a place of suffering, but a place of learning" that explained why he found himself back there all the time.
When you focus on a thought on a constant bases, whether positive or negative. External forces drive you into doing things you might not normally do.
Another armed robber rightly said "i don't steal from people. I take from them". He replaced the word STEAL for the word TAKE, of course that explained why he couldn't stop the habit even when he tried so hard.
