
Showing posts from October, 2016


Mentorship is the process for the transmission of knowledge, social capital and the psych social support perserved by the recipient as relevant to work carrier or professional development. a mentor is an experienced person who direct a less experienced person. mentorship is required in every field of life. a mentor tells you what to do , how to do , and when to do. there is no wise ness in falling into the same ditch some other person has fallen into. and so therefore a mentor acts as a steeping stone. they tell you where they tried and failed, they show you the shortest possible way to become successful without experiencing the falls they encountered on their way to the top. Mentorship cannot be over emphasized, virtually all great men ones had a mentor. some one they could look up to, someone that coached and encouraged them. it is really an important issue in the attainment of success, some get tired when they feel they have done their best. but a mentor is always their and he s...


Self worth is the average total value tagged on a person. self worth has a strong way of affecting our lives. there is no such important key note to achievement like the subject of self worth. for you to gain , achieve or acquire more in life, you must increase your self worth. the reason people go through life without getting the best it can offer is because they have nothing to offer. it is automatic. when your self worth increases your level and chances of success increases. we all want to become successful but we blot out the subject of self worth. you must learn to increase your self worth if you must have outstanding success in anything. people who are aware of this see to it that their self worth is increased so as to create a more conducive environment for success. there is no other way by which self worth can be assatained other than impacting positively  in the lives of others. when you impact in the lives of others you increase your value/ self worth. you being of...

The Pain and Gains of success

The earlier you understand life, the better for you. you must learn that the first rule to success is No sacrifice, no success. ''seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men''. to be great you must sacrifice your pleasure for your prosperity, your comfort for your gain. if you must hold on to that pleasure and comfort then forget about being successful in your field of endeavour. The deceit that you can harvest where you did not sow is the reason many people depend on miracle centers and micro chips during exams in order to pass, it is wrong. if someone has ever passed exams without the use of microchips then you can also do the same. in life every body wants success, but only few are willing to sacrifice to make success come to them. no man has ever succeeded in any endeavour without pain. you must be willing to pay the price for success. when a man becomes successful we dont see the sacrifices ...
Have you ever felt like giving up or quitting your quest for success? at age 64 Diana became the first person ever to swim from Cuba to Florida without a protective cage, this eventually took her three days, after five different attempts begining from 1978. she failed at 29, but she never gave up. some how she strongly believed in herself, that she will one day succeed. the dream to swim across the straits of Florida came to Diana at the age of eight, while she was in cuba on a trip from her home in Florida in the 1950's, for Diana to have accomplished the dream she had as an eight years old, at the age of 64 shows she was determined. many people might think Diana Nyad is a super woman, who had everything working for her, but she's not. Diana had so many setback, limitation and barrier . at different points, she had reason to give up on the attempt, but she decided never to do so. Diana's life goal was a set record for swimming from Cuba to Florida.'' failure is...