The Pain and Gains of success

The earlier you understand life, the better for you. you must learn that the first rule to success is No sacrifice, no success.
''seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men''.
to be great you must sacrifice your pleasure for your prosperity, your comfort for your gain. if you must hold on to that pleasure and comfort then forget about being successful in your field of endeavour.
The deceit that you can harvest where you did not sow is the reason many people depend on miracle centers and micro chips during exams in order to pass, it is wrong. if someone has ever passed exams without the use of microchips then you can also do the same.
in life every body wants success, but only few are willing to sacrifice to make success come to them. no man has ever succeeded in any endeavour without pain. you must be willing to pay the price for success. when a man becomes successful we dont see the sacrifices he paid, all what we see is the reward for sacrifice. you must be willing to take some level of inconvienence  for success to come knocking. some of the pain you feel before you become successful are take for instance you may want to sleep and then you discover there is something that must be done now. you then hold yourself back from sleep until that particular task is done. you may want to go for a party , visit a friend , go on a vacation. but sometimes you need to let go of this things for a little while. you can become successful if you wish.
