Showing posts from July, 2017
What is Depression and How to Put An End To It.
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by Barbara Epp I want to tell you about my experience with depression, why I think God allows some of us to experience it in our lives, and how we can have hope in the midst of it. I am not a doctor, a psychologist, or a psychiatrist. I am simply one who has experienced depression first-hand. I am, in fact, one, who, with God’s help, has learned from the experience. Symptoms and Causes To some people depression is a time of feeling low and discouraged. While this is an accurate description, it doesn’t necessarily describe all the other feelings that can be part of depression. I will share with you what my experience was: You feel desperate and that you are losing control of your life. It is a space filled with darkness, fear, despair and panic. Your thought world profoundly impacts your physical life. You feel as if time is racing or you are moving in slow motion. Your world and activities appear insurmountable and life can feel like a pit. There are overwhelming feeli...
4 Signs You Might Be An Intuitive Empath
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Intuitive empaths "actually feel others' emotions, energy, and physical symptoms...without the usual defenses that most people have," writes the author of The Empath's Survival Guide . Here's an introduction to the different types. By Judith Orloff, MD Illustration: Veronica Grech/Getty Images Twitter Google Email 1. Dream Empaths Dream empaths regularly have vivid dreams that they remember, an experience that frequently starts in childhood. If you're a dream empath you are attracted to the dream world and look forward to sleeping each night. Dreams are such a powerful form of intuition because they bypass the ego and the linear mind to offer clear intuitive information. They bring guidance about healing, spirituality and overcoming difficult emotions (sometimes through the healing power of nightmares), telling you how to help y...
Unlocking your Passion
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Nothing is so pleasant as finding your passion. Everyone has something that they are passionate about but sometimes finding it becomes a difficult task. When you find that thing you passionate about you will always be happy and fulfilled. If passion has never found its way to you, it might be because you have never opened up the door. These can help you find your passion. (1) Try new things: There is no harm in trying, a lot of people are scared and timid to try new things. You must experiments on things who knows you might as well stumble on your passion. (2) Write out list of what interest you the most : get a piece of paper and list down all that interest you take a close observation on the top of the list. Be sincere to yourself, it will help you as well in discovering your passion.
If you do not like the condition, change it.
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When i was much younger i remembered my teacher always saying if you multiply 2 by 3 the resultant answer would always be 6, Whether you like it or not. On the other hand 3 by 2 will still arrive at 6. It doesn't matter which come first in as much as the sign remains the same. One day a little boy stood up and said to the teacher " sir i don't like the number 6". And the teacher replied if you don't like 6 then you must avoid putting numbers together that would arrive at 6. In order to achieve and succeed, you must change the attitude that has always made you a failure to the attitude that guarantee success. But if you keep on repeating those attitude that made you a failure then you keep on getting the same result.
Now or never.
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Start working on that dream today, start that business, begin that mobile app, begin that book today. Start that idea now even if you do not have full details on how to go about it. Just start. Someone rightly said "ideas do not come out fully formed, they become clear as you work on them". So What are you waiting for? Get started and every other material would be made available. Each time you delay the time ticks. The world is waiting to see what stuff you are made of.
Never stop learning.
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One common thing with the successful people is reading. They read all the time because they want to learn new things. Warren Buffet reads five hours everyday . Bill gate reads one book per week. Mark Cuban reads three hours each day. Winfrey Oprah is a book freak. You must study hard and learn as much as you can. Because it has been said the more you read the more you know, the more you know the more places you will go. If you want to become the best version of yourself then start now and right away to read books.
How a single piece of cloth can instantly boost your mood.
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Patterned tight and skirt were my uniform throughout my teens and 20's. My long legs were blank canvas for creative expression: why drape them in drab denim? Then i became a working mother and started dressing for my role instead of my soul. Rainbow striped horsery felt too frivolous for a woman who bought bulk toilet paper and rubbed elbows at chamber of commerce events. Who did take me seriously with a kaleidoscope of butterflies flitting up my legs. But at age 42, i'm declaring a funky leg revival when i recently discovered Pair of glittery teal tight stashed in the depth of my closet, i wore then a grant writing conference underneath a purple swing skirt. I felt like my best self. lively, gutsy, not too serious. Since then, i have traded my mom jean for tights of all persuasion. Tartan plaid, sherbet coloured stripes, lines of poetry on a field of blue. And i am happier, head to toe.