1. Education : True education is the soundest investment you can make for yourself. But let's be sure we understand what education really is. some folks measure education by the number of years spent in school or the number of diplomas, certificate and degrees earned, but this quantative approach to education doesn't necessarily produce a successful person. Ralph Benites expressed attitude of top business executives toward education this way .'' Two of our most outstanding president never had opportunity to attend colleague. although some of our present officers have doctor degrees. Twelve out of forty have no college degrees. we are intrested in compentency not diplomas. a diploma or degree will help you get a job. but business is intrested in compentency, not diplomas.

To others, education means the quantity of informationa person have logged in his brain. but this kind of fact will not get you anywhere. more and more will depend on books, files, amd machines to warehouse information. if we can do only what a machine cannot do then we are educated.

Real education, this kind worth investing in, is that which develops and cultivates the faculty of the mind. anythink that can help you think faster and more effeciently is termed as education. Education can be obtained in various ways but the most commom are the ones we get from nearby colleges and universities.

If you have not been to college, this is a suprise. you will be pleased at the wide course offering available. you will even be more pleased to discover who goes to school after work. not the phonies, but rather really promising persons, many of whom already hold very responsible positions.

In one evening class of twenty five persons, there was an owner of a retail chain of twelve stores, two buyers for a national food chain, four graduates engineers, an Air Force Colonel, and several others of similar status.

Many people earn degrees in evening programs these days, but the degree, which is the final analysis is only a piece of paper, is not their primary motivation. they are going to schoo to build their minds, which is a sure way to invest ni a better future. And make no mistakes about this. Education is a real bargain. A moderate investment will keep you in school one night each week for a full year. Compute the cost as a percentage  of your gross income and then ask yourself, ''Isn't my future worth a small investment?''

Why not make an investment decision right now ? call it School ; one night a week for life, it will keep you progressive, young, alert. it will keep you abreast of your areas of intrest. And it wil surround you with other people who also are going places.

2. Invest in ideas Starters : Education helps you moould your mind, stretch it, trai it to meet new situations and solve problems. Ideas starters serves a related purpose. They feed your mind, give you constructive material to think about.

wher are the best sources of ideas starters? there are many, but to get a steady supply of high quality idea material, why not do this: resolve to purchasing at least one stimulating book each month and subscribe to two magazines or journals that stress ideas. for only a minor sum and only a minimum amount of time, you can be tuned in to some of the best thinkers available anywhere.

At Luncheon, one day i overheard one fellow say, ''But it cost too much. I can't afford to take the wall street journal.'' His companion, obviously a much more success minded person, replied ''Well, i have found that i can't afford not to take it.''                                                                                                                      Friends if you like kindly comment below the post do share your response. thanks for reading.
