Different Stars Different Destinies

Once upon a time, an elephant and a dog fell pregnant at the same time. after 3 months the dog gave birth. 6 months later, the dog became pregnant again; 9 months later, it gave birth to a dozen puppies. this pattern continued! in the 18 months, the dog mocked the elephant as follows
Dog : Are you sure that you are pregnant? we got pregnant the same day. i have given birth 3 times to a dozen puppies and they are now grown up, yet you are still pregnant. whats going on? or you only wanted to be treated in pretence of being pregnant?
Elephant :Hahaha! there is something i want you to understand! what am carrying is not a pupil but an elephant. i only give birth to one in two years. when my baby hits the ground, the earth feels it. when my baby crosses the road, other animals watch in admiration. what i carry draws attention! i cannot be ignored! it is not common to find an elephant knocked down by the side of the road. so what i am carrying is mighty and great.
do not envy others when you see them succeed, rather strive to also succeed. each one of us have greatness embeded in us, some people own breakthrough came faster than expected, while the success of others delayed a little longer. don't be discouraged, yours might be greater though it delay a little longer.
refuse to be intimidated by the negative opinion of others, our destiny is different and so our level of success and the period when it comes.
Never compare yourself with any one, remember you are unique and special and someone out there admires you so much. you can succeed by remaining focused, working hard and  believing that all things are possible.
