necessity is the mother of all invention

every thing done in life was born out of necessity. the automobiles, Phone,machinery were all possible because of necessity. and that is why we must not complain of our bad circumstances rather see it as an opportunity to create that which never exist. we must form the habit of trying out new ideas, innovotation and principles, you never can tell that may be the break through you have been looking for.
God hangs the heaviest weight on tiny ropes. he believes and know you can do it and thats why you too must believe you can. then work towards the attainment of that objective and goal. you will surely see the light at the end of the tunnel.
you must never be afraid to try. a little effort makes you ten times better and ten times stronger. keep om pushing on, you never know when the tides might turn around, and then the whole world comes shouting  '' i knew you could do it''.
