the power of the mind

The mind is also referred to as the MIND - SET, because it can be reset. you must learn to reset your mind to the positive attribute and the positive things you wish to acquire in life.
our thought is the first creative process. when ever you think you have created. you must learn to expel those negative thought like the thought of i cant, its too difficult, its not possible and replace it with thoughts like i can, its easy, its possible.,you must change the way you think so that you can change your reality.
a writer ones said life is a think that, get that process.
Mr Emerson said , and i quote great mind are minds that see that thought rule the world. learn to control and channel your thought toward positivity and you begin to get positive result in your life.
there are two types of bank in our mind, they are
1. The positive Bank : the positive bank as the name applies, is were all positive thoughts are stored. you must learn to withdraw from the bank of positivity. withdrawing from the bank of positivity creates room for more positive events. try to be positive no matter how tight the situation might seem to be. when life throws you up and down tell your self I am blessed and highly favoured, I shall overcome. these are simple but powerful words that would unlock the store house of goodness into your life. one important key note is that the positive thought bank has to be triggered, it does not occour by default, it has to be praticed continiously until you gain full control over it, you must master this principles.
The Bank of Negativity : the negative bank is where all negative thoughts are stored. you must shut this door, because just as a positive mindset will create room for a positive event, a negative mind would also create room for negative event. the negative bank operates by default. you don't need to master its principles, its so easy. when you begin to focus your attention on past negative event you begin to create a negative thought which will as well affect the future, as a negative event. change your thought, so you can change your life.
A woman was diagonised of cancer, and the doctor said " Woman, you have two months to live''. and the woman said too many children to be thought, to many work to be done. Doctor I cant die now!!! Now she's plus 28. she made an outstanding statement that would forever be a classic. and I quote, '' I might have cancer, but cancer does not have me''.
Be a positive person today, and get positive result.
