
Showing posts from February, 2017

Play to Win 1B by Donald Trump


Goal Setting

                   Everything achieved on earth was as a result of someone's set goal. from simple to complex discoveries, from the world of art to the world of science, from common bicycle to the plane you see today. When you don’t set goals then it means wishful thinking. ‘’if wishes were horses beggars will ride’’. Is a popular adage we all know about. When we wish it’s just like mirage that will never come to be. when we talk about mirage we talk about something that appears to be but its isn’t in reality. Take for instance when driving, from a long distance it’s seems as if there is water in front, but when you get closer the sight of  water disappears from the actual position of your vehicle, people use words like ‘’ i wish i had the privilege, ‘’i wish that house was mine. Wishful thinking never comes to existence, if it does ask the beggar on the street if they would still have time to beg. ask the labourer who works all day trying to survive if he would still go out

Play to win 1A donald Trump


New Rules To Get Rich


government job mindset


secret to freedom


how bad do you want it?

belief you can succeed and you will

Biafra is Possible


Money is Everywhere

                 MONEY IS EVERYWHERE Money can be said to be anything that is generally accepted as a medium of exchange for goods and service. We all have money embedded right inside of us but what makes the difference is some have learnt and mastered the skills of transmuting the money right inside into its physical equivalent that can be seen by all.  If you ask an average man what he wants am sure his going to say money right? but they do not have the slightest idea that it is inside as raw material wanting to be harnessed into finished product(physical cash). the use of money cannot be over emphasized. Money is used to solve our day to day problems or need, we need money to pay bills, buy food, cloths, books ,build houses and so on. ‘’money answereth all things ’’.A community that lack’s money lack’s the ability for  development. We need money to build bridges, construct good roads, construct pipe born water, electricity. I would say money has a long, long way of affecting our

secret to freedom

jungle captain


Awarding winning Oprah


Unlock your Gold




How Whatsapp came to be

How whatsapp came to be

The School of thought

Let’s face it squarely every one encounters plenty and unpleasant, embarrassing, and discouraging situations. Life is a school that we don’t graduate from. we can only move ahead, as we all know when we get into school we hope to graduate someday and then friend and relative come celebrating with us, the reverse is the case for life we continue to know, know and know without end until we are no more. The human mind becomes weak and feeble when it’s being feed with the wrong food, it needs to be wooed into believing what it needs to know. Thought affect our word, our word affect our actions our actions affect our lives. Thought are the manifestation of the physical equivalence.  Negative outcome is as a result of a negative mindset. When you think, you gain the kinetic energy to acquire, often times as humans we do not understand the law that governs all mankind. when we talk about mindset it is nothing more than the way of reasoning. if you have thought like there is no job, I am p