Opportunity in disguise

People go through life in misery and unfufilment. They tend to give up when it seems like they have been rejected and casted down.
Some blame God for their situation or mother nature. Let the truth be told, statistic based on fact and not theory has shown that above 70% of those who became successful and fufilled in life got to that point at the peak of failure and rejection. You must learn to see problems and difficulty as a moltivating factor that can help you break barriers and chains.
Thomas Edison failed severally, the founder of Whatsapp was rejected, Abraham Lincon somer saulted in failure, Michael Faraday swimed in disappointment. But one thing differentiated this men from their contemporaries, Determination. For they had seen success in disguise.
If there was no problem, everything went well, no stress, no pains, no struggles. There will be no Glory, Honour, Fame and success. You must learn to view your current dilemma or situation as an indication that you must succeed. Is high time your prayer should be ‘’ Lord send me problems, that i might discover what i was meant to be.
Have you gone through the cut and thrust of life battle, how many times have you been rejected. Don’t not forget this word ‘’ You must be broken for you to succeed’’.
Don’t give up on your Quest, don’t give up on your desires, life goals, carrier and ambition because it is not over. You must be focused, determined, persist, and be courageous in the course of life battle. If you play your part well, ‘’Saviour will Bid them Depart’’.
Yes we all get discouraged one time or the other, sometimes we say what are my living for. Hold on and fight on. Victorious shall your last song be if you never quit.
When you get tired and feel like to let go, let courage be your shield war.
A soldier ones said at the field of training ‘’if you are attacked, lock your feet on the ground, if your shield war is strong, each of you will form a linkage in the chain that will be stronger than iron’’, Your shield war has to be strong as long as there is breath in you’’.
You must have to develop strong courage and resistance to quitting in as much there is breath inside of you.
Willie Jollie one said ‘’ Fear is too lonely to discover that courage is his twin brother’’. Each time things get tougher, it is an indication that you must get tougher.  Bear this in mind. ‘’The Greater the problem, the grander the success.
