Money is Everywhere

                MONEY IS EVERYWHERE
Money can be said to be anything that is generally accepted as a medium of exchange for goods and service. We all have money embedded right inside of us but what makes the difference is some have learnt and mastered the skills of transmuting the money right inside into its physical equivalent that can be seen by all.  If you ask an average man what he wants am sure his going to say money right? but they do not have the slightest idea that it is inside as raw material wanting to be harnessed into finished product(physical cash). the use of money cannot be over emphasized. Money is used to solve our day to day problems or need, we need money to pay bills, buy food, cloths, books ,build houses and so on.‘’money answereth all things ’’.A community that lack’s money lack’s the ability for  development. We need money to build bridges, construct good roads, construct pipe born water, electricity.I would say money has a long, long way of affecting our lives  and without it life becomes unbearable. You meet the cashier at the grocery store and ask him why he works hard  everyday without taking time off he says money, you ask the accountant in that firm why he wakes up very early, head toward the bathroom, takes his bath and hurry out for the day’s work without minding the cold and hazy weather out there he tells you he wants to get paid at the end of the month, you meet the business man out there and he barely spends quality of time with his wife and children and you ask him why and he say’s Money. We all know the efficacy of money and long to make more of it so we can improve our standard of living. Sometimes we complain of scarcity and want ,some other time we complain of insufficient income and other money related problem’s.We blame the government or another person for our dilemma and circumstances without trying to proffer the right solution and source of the problem. 
Who is the government? the government is me and you. Apart from that the primary aim of the government is to make sure laws and orders are strictly adhered to. Any country that lacks the government would not stand because everybody does what he or she likes without being cautioned, the right of weaker citizens would be violated If only we understood the primary duties of the government we would begin learn to earn a living ourselves. Don’t get this wrong the government are also suppose to create job opportunity for its citizen’s. But how much of the job can it create if we all depend on it?Barrack Obama said ‘’ Government cannot solve all our problems, but what they should do is that we cannot do for ourselves, protect us from harm, provide every child with a decent education, keep our water clean and our toys safe, invest in new schools, growth, science and technology’’. We should understand that there are things we can do for ourselves instead of hoping on the government completely. the government can quite create a good number of jobs so as to absorb large populace into the working class category, but can the government create enough for every one? The answer is no, Your worse  financial enemy is you, people like to blame others for their financial trauma, the main reason we experience financial problem is our own fault. the government can only do its best but the best is not going to be enough. The main reason we still remain in scarcity and lack is we have not expelled that phenomena from our memory’s. If we do that then that the first step to becoming a better person. It’s is only when we trace the source of a problem that it becomes much easier to solve. Take a deep breath What if there was no government?
The government are just there to regulate the activities of the wealthy and affluent in the society that’s all. When you begin to see things in this direction then our action changes. The government don’t make you rich, only few in the government acquire riches like the managers, directors etc. Others below this category just struggle day after day to make ends meat.One of the surest way out of poverty and lack is entrepreneurship. Often times as young graduates we become obsessed with our carrier and life goals without taking time to ask ourselves what if that way don’t work what is the way forward. they are greater potential in you that far outclass the white collar job.
Why would you work for somebody while you can become a boss of your own? They say you use money to make money.
I went to see a friend on my way going I saw the mammoth crowd muttering something, then I got closely and discovered the topic was about scarcity of money in the country. Something made me pick interest in what they were saying, one person was trying to prove that there is money every where, and the other saw a reason to defend his statement of no money. the man who was of the opinion of  money every where said to the other  ‘’ what is the queue all about in the bank? Are they withdrawing their sins or they are depositing their sins?.The other man became speechless, he had nothing to say , he had been defeated.
Statistic have proven that over 80% of the rich and wealthy are entrepreneurs. The problem is that some of us despise the days of little beginning, while others have learnt the habit of spending. Here are some things you can do to make money.
(I)add value to yourself: take a close observation of yourself ‘’what can I do to increase myself worth’’. Then begin to do what you can to increase yourself worth.
Have you ever thought of why Mike Murdock would drive a simple Camry and some other person would drive a Bentley, and yet the simple Camry would be appreciated by everybody or majority than the Bentley despite its name. It’s is as a result of the value Murdock has.‘’Nothing is worth of value until you show me who has it’’.
New editions of text book are not different from the old ones, they are just getting more expensive.When you increase yourself worth you create avenue for riches in abundance even with products that are not suppose to make you rich. That’s the same reason you see products or services advertised in the radios or popular television sale for more than those that are not advertised ( self worth). Yourself worth is far more expensive than the product or service you render.
Most at times all vehicles are the same or almost the same except for some little improvements and yet some are ten times more expensive than their counter part.
If you want to sale a product or render a service the best way to yield a better result is either you increase yourself worth or give it out to someone who has enough self value. Even if it means giving out 50% share of the business to that person as a condition to help you market the goods, i assure you greater chances lies ahead. When yourself worth is really hot, you can sell a scrap for a huge some of money. When you associate yourself with men of high self worth, you begin to increase yourself worth. A product was advertised in one famous television station, this product was not worth the amount they tagged it to be, yet it made huge sales that year.
(II)What service can I add value to : look at your business and figure out where services are not well rendered and  try to increase the standard by doing something unique from what other have been doing. Remember this life is all about packaging. we are in an ever changing world customers tend to care more about the way you package services. You must try everything possible to be one step above your competitors if you still want to sell well.There is no difference between peanut and groundnut, they are the same except for the little flour that was used to coat the groundnut.
 (ii)Add value to peoples life: ‘’what can I do to add value to my subordinate, what do I let him know that he doesn’t know. Employ efficient hands who posseses all the right  qualities.
I rendered a service where people play video games, and so i was in the store one day, when a young man called Joshua stepped in, he had no interest in games, but i told him i was offering him  to play one for free.  So he decided to play with me. After the end of the game he said ‘’ i really, really enjoyed the game, so this is how interesting this could be?  I will always come back to patronize you’’. It was right there it dawned on me that i had just won a disciple. If hadn’t given him that opportunity to play two or three games for free he wouldn’t have discovered how intresting it could be. Later on i came to understand that i had unconsciously added value to his life, by allowing him play for free, so he can come back next time. When you add value to peoples life, you equally add value to your life. And this has a long way of yielding great returns to our businesses and establishment. The young man came back  for my service as often time as possible.
(III)Be money conscious: explore every avenue  when the need arises see every opportunity as an opportunity to make money. I remember some children were getting prepared for a birthday party and a woman went ahead to bakes cakes, she baked the cakes and took them there to sell. She was money conscious. That was why she knew that those children would be in need of things like that and so she explored the available opportunity.
Most of the well known entrepreneurs in the world today started small and are now the owners of big businesses with the capability of absorbing thousand workers. Investment is an asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or appreciate in the future.
In the 1966 book ‘’ the millionaire next door’’, the suprizing secret of American is that the  two third of the millionaires are entrepreneurs, that is to say they are self employed while the remaining was from other professions.
Some would say ‘’if I  had an inheritance’’. Most millionaires in the making, 8 out of 10 earned or increased their assets on their own without any inheritance whatsoever.
In an economic sense, an investment is the purchase of goods and services that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth.
In finance an investment is a monetary assets purchased with the idea that the assets will provide income in the future or appreciated and be sold at a higher price.
For example in the financial sense investments include purchase of bonds, stocks or real estate property.
 Investment can be classified into three categories they are
Ownership investment; this kind of investment are the most commonly know investment. Ownership investment are the most volatile and profitable class of investment. The following are examples.
(I)                Stocks; stocks are literally certificates that say you own a portion of a company, ore broadly speaking, all traded securities from futures to currency swaps, are ownership investment.
(II)             Business; the money put into starting a business is an investment and it is called capital, entrepreneurship is one of the hardest investment to make because it requires more than just money.
(III)           Real estate; house, apartment or other dwelling that you buy for the purpose of rentage or repair and resell are investment.
(IV)          Precious object; gold, silver, bronze, precious metals and collectibles are not necessarily a good investment for a number of reasons.

Lending investment; lending investment allows you to be the bank, they tend to be lower risk than ownership investment.
(I)                Saving account; if you have nothing but a regular saving account, you can call yourself an investor, but it yield very little or no profit.
(II)             Bond; bond is a catchall category for a wide variety of investment from cds and treasuries to corporate junk bond and international debit issues.

Cash equivalence; these are investment that are ‘’ as good as cash’’ which means they are easy to convert back to cash.
(I)Money market funds; with money funds, the return is very small, 1 to 2 %, and the risk are so small.
Although money market fund have ‘’broken the buck’’ in recent memory, it is rare enough to be considered a black swan event. Money market funds are also more liquid than other investment.

                                      Reason to invest

One of the most compelling reason to invest is the prospect of not having to work your entire life. We experience financial crash because of physical irresponsibility, we don’t save enough. We do not adopt the kind of investment structure that we need, we often spend most of our money in want rather than in need.
If you keep your money in your pocket instead of investing, your money does not work for you, and you will never have more money than what you save.
By investing your money, you are getting your money to generate more money. When you think of investing, i think the pyramid  structure could be a nice refrence point.                                                                           the pyramid financial structure is a very good example on how to invest without the fear of going into bankruptcy on the long run.
The pyramid is basically one of the most stable structure on earth, when you think of the pyramid and how stable it is with the point at the top, and the four lines going down. You sit on top and there are four corners at the bottom that provides you with strong base of support, each one of those corners is a financial account, and the lines represent some sort of directive  positive mechanism that sends money into each one of these four account. We are suppose to have different account for different purpose.
A journalist was asked how she was able to build up her financial life even in this hard time of economic recession, she made a notable and important point that should be imbibed by all who yearns for financial freedom she said she had four account, the first account is for limited purpose checking account, the second for untouchable saving, third for investment, and the fourth for slush fund.
The difference between the rich and the poor is ‘’the rich are investment oriented, while the poor are spending oriented’’.

                       Multiple stream of income
‘’And the lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward, for all the Land  which thou seest, to thee will I give it’’. (four source of income).                                                      In this ever changing world there is a need to have more than one source of income because you cannot tell what might go wrong with one source. If you have more than one source there would be nothing to fear about since the money has another inlet. The rich and wealthy know the usefulness of that and that’s why they get richer even in a harsh economy. You should have at least four different sources of income, each source representing one cardinal point. East, west, north and south.
‘’and a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads’’.
Take note ‘’four heads’’ this means your source of income should be at least  from four different source.
‘’the name of the first river is Pison, the second is Gihon, the third is Heddeekel, and the fourth Euphrates.
Someone rightly said ‘’The scriptures is no religious book, but a wealth creation manual’’.
People live in want because they don’t understand how important it is to invest in four different sectors.
The limited purpose checking account we talked about earlier should be about 70% of you income, that’s for day to day expenses. The untouchable saving account should be 10% of what you earn.  This 10% goes into this account until you reach a comfortable level savings and then you can use it for other things.
The slush fun account, about 10% of your money should go into the slush fun. Vacation, luxury item and other want are under this category.
Finally we have the investment clearing account. 10% goes in there.

        3 decisions that can change your financial life

(I)                Focus on one source; if you want to be financially free, and live well above the poverty line, focus your energy into one stream of income, when it is strong enough you can begin to strategize for the remaining three. The reason is if you focus your energy on the four it may not stand just as the saying goes ‘’you cannot kill two birds at a time’’.
(II)             Clarify your unique values; every person on earth has a unique gift, abilities, life experiences and something to offer and be highly compensated for. Figure out the knowledge experience, ability, or solution you have that others will value and might pay for. Remember what might be a common knowledge to you isn’t common for others.
(III)  Identify your market; determine whom you are best qualified to serve
     Based on the value you can add for others or the problem you can help people solve.
If you sell electronic and decide to market it where there have not been light for the past five years, am sure you are not expecting a miracle to happen because you are going to sell little or nothing.
Can you make use of electronic where there  is no light? Majority would not be interested in listening to your offer, you can only make great sales when you look for an environment where there is steady supply of electricity.
Financial we have two types of attack which would entail if you are going to have that money you wanted or would remain in poverty.
Offensive attack; in offensive attack it is all about attacking first, before you will be the attacked.
Defensive attack; from the word defensive it means to defend, the poor are defensive oriented.

                                    The military
In the military an offensive attack is a planned military attack, involving large forces over a long period of time.
In other words the wealthy have developed the habit of attacking poverty before it arrives, they attack poverty before it shows up its ugly head. They attack poverty by investing no matter how small it could be, investment is investment. The best way to keep your enemy out of track is to take them unawares, attack them before they establish their camp, attack them before they supply weapons to their armies, Poverty is an enemy, you must learn to attack before it establishes its camp and supply weapons to their armies. 
The poor on the other hand has learnt a the game of defense, the most annoying part is they defend by default i.e without knowing what they are doing. they are defensive oriented, how long would you defend? Of course not for so long, because the more you defend the weaker you become. It is only but a few that survive the defensive game. The poor defend unconsciously , they defend without even knowing.
The poor defend until their defense line is thorn open, don’t play a defensive game, learn to be offensive.
 In a football match, the team that defend more, tend lose the game more often, only a few defend till the end of the game.
 When you defend, the four walls of your defense  line would be broken open.
Lets learn from the ants, they save before the rainy season.
Do not save your money in the bank, because it does not grow.

                   Be patience to let it grow

When you invest, do not be in a hurry to make profit. Be patience enough to let it grow. Some investment  even stay up to eight years before you begin to yield great profit.
The majority just get discouraged when the investment has not begin to yield profit and they say ‘’aah if I knew I wouldn’t have even ventured into it at the first place, can’t you see am already at a loss’’.
If you have not learnt to make money why you sleep, then you would have to work all your life. You must learn to make money why you sleep.

                   J.P Morgan the great entrepreneur

JP MORGAN continues to target failing companies, He learnt this from his legendary father JULIUS MORGAN.
Julius Morgan was the founder of one of the modern investment bank, the financial empire that would be come to be known as the house of Morgan.
Thirty years earlier from the time when JP Morgan could count his father Julius Morgan taught him to do business the Morgan’s way.
j.p strain relationship with his father continues and by age fourty he is looking to create an identity of his own. The father taught him to avoid taking big risk, but he was tired of doing things his father’s way, he doesn’t want to simply buy business, he wants to build them from the scratch. He met Thomas Edison. one invention catches his eyes, the light bulb and the electric that powered it. He made Edison powered his house with electricity, following with the success of his home lighting display Morgan believes that electricity could be the opportunity he was waiting for. His chance to control a new business from the start and become a pioneer like Carnegie and Rockefeller.
But investing in Edison goes against his father’s wish. J.p Morgan invested all he had into electricity determined to create his own legacy even if it means going against what he had been taught.
Electricity street light lined avenue and homes through out Newyork . later on Morgan bought additional shares of Edison’s electric stock until he had complete control of the company and finally changed the name to general electric.
Morgan’s new electric company, general electric becomes one of the most powerful cooperation on earth with a value of about fifty million dollars as at then.
An entrepreneur should be able to take risk. Every successful man one’s took risk before becoming great.

Great men are those who see that ideas rule the world’’ was a famous quote made by Emerson.
Ideas are money, and potential money at that. The world is interested in a man who has something to offer (ideas) in exchange for money.
But the issue is most folks desire to get the best that life can give, without having anything to offer. You cannot get for so long without having anything to give.
Life is all about ‘’ what you have to offer in exchange for something’’. Ideas are recipe for success, and so behind every successful person lies an idea.
An individual makes a cake of pie, it taste delicious that people travel far and wide in search for that product except for the day it’s not readily available (idea).
Mrs Annie sells chocolate. people queue up in multiples of thousand just to buy her product, they had to wake up early even on a cold hazy day, so they can book a space before her product get exhausted by fellow consumers because it tastes delicious and unique (Idea).
A poor boy, orphan who was in college found out that when pizza was ordered it took an hour after for it to be delivered, and so he came up with an insight. The insight was that when people ordered for pizza, they are already very hungry, and so at that point they valued speed over quality. And so he went on to start Domino’s Pizza, filled 8,000 units and became one of the richest men in the world with one insight(idea) did the same thing, if people ordered shoes they want it as soon as possible.Without wasting time they delivered them overnight. Zappos went from Zero to a Billion Dollars in some couple of years.(idea)
Every idea was once created by somebody, nothing was ever made without ideas, every discovery and invention in the planet was out of an idea. In the World we live today, there is no room for getting for so long without offering.
You must have something to offer if you really want to make a break in today’s economy.

                     There are two types of ideas

(I)                General idea ; from the word General, it is an idea known to almost everybody(common). In the accumulation of wealth or any desirable, general idea can only give you little or nothing. When you only have the general idea, it is as good as having no idea at all.
98% of the populace are general idea based, they have no time to create a different ideology.
Peter Cain went into the production of bean cake, he had the general ideology of how it is being done, without having time to strategize for unique values. He mixes and bakes just like his counterparts and made little sale (General Idea).

(II)Unique or special Ideology ; when you talk of unique it means different from the usual. When you develop a unique idea it is known as strategy, this spontaneously emit you into the atmosphere of comfort and satisfaction. You should be aware that these two are close relatives to money. If you become great and famous, people would be willing to pay just to see you or make you perform.
Sometimes ago where I visited, there was this product called bean pie, this pie was stocked with beans inside. I guess that is the name origin.
The beans was cooked separately, then stock inside the neatly shaped flour before baking.
It was so delicious when I had a taste of it. Long before I had my own taste portion, I had wondered why students  queue up in that garden just to purchase that pie, but I got the answer to that question that day.
One of my friends, named Yusuf Oladipo eats two or three of that pie each day, in exception of the day he had no money on him.
That was someone’s idea (somebody’s brain child).
That person must have sat up one day and said ‘’ I got to do a unique pie, different from the usual’’.
If you wish to become successful, you must clarify your values. Your ideology must be unique and good as that pie. If you learn to create a unique value, people would be willing to pay for the service you render or product you sell to them without question. I ate that pie and found it was good, someone else did and attested it was also good.
All humans have idea deposit right inside, waiting to be explored  just as we have Mineral deposits. You must learn to excavate your own ideology by thinking hard and thinking right, you must master the principles of idea transmutation into what you desire in life.
Ideas can be transmuted into anything be it fame , wealth, love, good relationship, protection and care etc.
In the acquisition of money, idea can be sold or licensed out.
You have been invited for a seminar severally and don’t understand why you were made to pay some money for you to listen to the orator. What you pay for is the ideas he unleash on you.
Have you thought of the reason why a successful man in livestock farming, tells you the secret behind his success and make you pay for it or
Paying a tuition fee year after year in an institution just to get knowledge (Idea).
When you purchase a book or movie, you just bought someone’s idea.
The movie being aired on television was first written down as script, long before it was aired (Idea).
We all have stories, you can make a proper documentation on your views about life and sell to your world (Idea).
Only few do read books, and those that do, don’t have the slight understanding of this statement
‘’No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior permission of the publisher or a license permitting restricted copying issued by the copy right licensing Agency’’.
In brief this is saying that is someone’s intellectual property or idea, and you have no right to reproduce it and sell until you take permission from the owner.
Ideas is just similar to owning a house or any other material possession. The only different is the property is inside of him, while the house is outside and can be seen.
If you need money develop your ideology into money production, if you want fame develop your ideology into fame. You have all it take to succeed.
Idea brings money for the owner, it bring royalty to the origin.

                           Forms of Idea
Ideas are in two forms Tangible and Intangible 
(I)Tangible ; it is an idea that can be felt or touched like automobile, real estate, electronic and so on. But let it be noted every tangible idea was of the form of Intangibility before it became Tangible.
(II)Intangible ; this are Ideas that cannot be felt or touched, they only exist in your imagination like movies books and so on.
This ideas are called intellectual property (IP) from the word intellect meaning it comes from the brain. all ideas are property whether Tangible or Intangible.
Humans value the tangible than the Intangible things. They value the ideology of ’’Give me fish’’ in expense of ‘’teach me how to fish’’.
When you are told the principles of becoming successful it is like teaching you how to fish (Intangible)
And when buy’s you a car it is like giving you fish to eat (Tangible).
In life the Intangible is always greater than the Tangible and most folk fail to understand this, so they only appreciate a man who helps them physically and show little appreciation to the man that help them intellectually.
‘’ Teach me how to fish and then you can give me fish”. If you are only fed without being thought how to feed yourself you are only doing yourself more harm than good.
Come to think of it what if the source is not able to cater for you any longer?
The tangible can be exhausted because they are external, whereas the Intangible cannot be exhausted because they are internal.
We must learn to value the Intangible beyond the Tangible.
‘’success is a properly organized idea’’. We must learn to develop it.

       The four division of people on earth
(I)Those with Money and Ideas ; when you have money and know what to do with it life becomes pleasant and sweet to live in, it becomes like a day to day adventure. This division is the most pleasant of all the other, when you have this two qualities you become very productive, happy, loved and valued by all. There is nothing so adorable as having money and knowing where to direct it.
(II)Those with money but no idea ; although the importance of money touches our day to day activities, this boils down from your need to your want, from the least valued to the most valued money plays a significant role.                                                                                                               Yet those in this division may not be completely happy because of the lack of idea, such life is boring some of the time because they have no where to direct their resources into.
(III)Those with no Money but have Idea ; A man with an idea sees hope in the future ,and is sensitive to opportunities that may come his way, he is fully ready and prepared to catch any available flight of opportunity so as to end his misery of lack and want.                                                                      When you have an idea those who can help will be willing to buy you over because they know you will be of a great assets to them and with that you might say bye to poverty.                                          develop the habit of forming ideas also know as strategies so you can capitalize on opportunity when it eventually shows up.Remember the idea of Barnes concerning the just perfected machine of Edison. He was of this division before his idea brought great fortune to him.

(IV)Those without Money and Idea ; This division has to be pitied the most, and eventually quite a large number are under this division. They don’t prepare for opportunity and so they don’t recognize one even when it beckons on them. This makes them susceptible to lack and remain the most valueless and vulnerable all through life.


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