The School of thought

Let’s face it squarely every one encounters plenty and unpleasant,
embarrassing, and discouraging situations. Life is a school that we don’t graduate from. we can only move ahead, as we all know when we get into school we hope to graduate someday and then friend and relative come celebrating with us, the reverse is the case for life we continue to know, know and know without end until we are no more. The human mind becomes weak and feeble when it’s being feed with the wrong food, it needs to be wooed into believing what it needs to know. Thought affect our word, our word affect our actions our actions affect our lives. Thought are the manifestation of the physical equivalence.  Negative outcome is as a result of a negative mindset. When you think, you gain the kinetic energy to acquire, often times as humans we do not understand the law that governs all mankind. when we talk about mindset it is nothing more than the way of reasoning. if you have thought like there is no job, I am poor, I don’t think is going to get better, that is a mindset. I am blessed, I am rich, I will get there no matter the kind of recession the country is into, that is a mindset also. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used in creating them.                                ‘’and the lord said, behold the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do’’. Ponder on that statement for a while ‘’nothing will be restrained from them which they imagined to do’’.                                                                              
 This means imagination is the first creative process in life, even God had respect for their imagination because he had already said nothing shall be restrained from them. Ana so he stopped them by simply changing their imagination (language). This in turn means before you become successful, gain that respect, earn that extra income, have a better relationship, a happy family, name it. You must change the way you think. Whatever you think about continuously on a regular bases becomes your reality and your world whether good or bad.
“We are all in the same world yet in different world, your thought makes your world’’
The size of a container, house, hospital or whatever it may be (context) never matters, what matters is the quality of service or product that can be extracted from whatever it is.
In the journey to a successful living and achievement the size of a man is so intangible just like a grain of rice is to a bag of rice. Men don’t succeed because they are physically developed, handsome or beautiful. They succeed because of what is inside of them (content).
The context is the outer part, while the content is the inner part.
The content is a thousand time more valuable than the context, and that’s explains the reason why some sort of small creams in a small container sell higher and expensive than another cream with large quantity packaged in a large container.
The misery of quantity and quality are just so different from each other just as a car is different from a horse. The world is interested more in the quality of service or product than the actually quantity.
Your thought in life is your quality in life and the after life . When you think small you become small, when you think big you become big.
Learn to increase the quality of your thought other than the quantity,
A manufacturing industry produced bread in large quantity and supplied to virtually the whole city of about 500 kilometres square, they made huge sales, this made them expand rapidly though they were hundreds of other manufacturing industry offering the same product in the town as at then, after six month this industry had established 12 other branches round the  country.
When asked by news Men how they were able to make profit so much that they had established a dozens of other branches within 6 month the CEO said ‘’ i believe strongly in quality over quantity, the reason we were able to go this far is we made sure our product was of very high quality, this in turn lead to the increase quantity and the most striking of all was that these consumers were willing to buy our product for twice the original price, this made us go viral as one consumer after consumption advertised the product to another in no time we gained the attention of the whole city and so we had enough money to expand’’.
 When you change your thinking you have changed your reality.                                                           
When you transform your thinking, you have transformed your action, so you can transform the result you get in your life.                 
I absolutely guarantee you that after reading this book you will not be the same person you use to be again.
‘’we become what we think about most of the time’’ was an idea made famous by Napoleon hill .                                                             
 The current state of our lives boils down to one immutable fact, You are who you are right now, you are where you are right now because of the total sum of the thought you have until this point in your life.                                            Someone rightly said,‘’the thinking that guides your intelligent is far more important than the level of intelligent you may have’’.                                       If you have every reason why a business will fail, sure the business has failed. Don’t even bother going into it no matter how intelligent you may be because it has failed.                                                          
Our thought push our brains into action, and our action yield the possible result you have been looking for. ‘’ I would rather associate myself with a man that have got low brain capacity but big thinking, than a man whose got all the brains yet think small.                                       
Our thought energizes our brain, note this down. A man whose level of imagination is high despite his low brain capacity would out class a man who has got all the brains yet think low.                                    
  You don’t have much because you have not thought about much. If you want a better home, car, a better relationship or anything good in life you should change your thought to become better.
‘’circumstance do not make the man, the man makes the circumstance’’. your thought is like a plant in your garden which spring from a seed, if you don’t work on it, then it dies off. It is not enough to think, you must learn to act along side.
Whenever you have a negative thought quickly replace it with a positive thought because nothing ever happens by accident. Every achievement or no achievement is as a result of your direct thought and action.
A man is not hurt so much by what happens, as by his opinion about what happens. Even when you face problems you are not affected much as by the way you see it.
Many are so good at blaming others, circumstances, God or fate for their suffering and failure. When you fail accept responsibility so you can learn from it, same thing goes when you succeed take responsibility and learn from it.
James Allen said ‘’ a man can only rise, conquer and achieve by lifting up his thought, and can remain weak, abject and miserable by refusing to lift up his thought.
Though or lack of thought leads to action or in action which always lead to result.
Words like ‘’ I can’’ leads to action which brings about great life    changing event. Death is not the greatest loss, the greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
The man who thinks I can helps millions of people around the world by selling a merchandise, would definitely be of great help to people round the world.
The boy who always think of making history in the world, would definitely make history. That singular thought of I can gives you the power of you can. The same thing goes out for a negative thought.
Our thought is the power house, it powers the brain to do tremendous things. Our thought enlarges our brain and not the reverse.
That explains why most professors who have got all the brains, yet still broke and some illiterate and outcast individual who did not have much formal education or attend colleges acquire fame, money and power. your thought or imagination is far more powerful than the brains you’ve got. I believe imagination is stronger than knowledge
‘’great men depend more often in their thinking capacity than their brain power, low men depends more often on their brain power than their thinking capacity’’. We can all change our situations and personality through the power of great thought.                                                                                         Our thought defiles our brain power.
It is called mind-SET because our reasoning can be changed just the exact way you do to your watch or wall clock at home. Our mind has the reset button, and We must learn to push that button when the need arises. our mind need’s to focus on positive thought and expel all negative thought if you must attain the best in life.
Your level of success and achievement is in direct proportion to your ability and willingness to direct your thought to effective planning and action toward your target combined with a strong reason toward your action.
You might be poor, you might hate where you live in, you might not be happy in your relationship it doesn’t matter, what matters is you taking the first action i.e change your way of thinking.                                              
Life is a race, you either win or you get trampled on. A perfect example is the process of child bearing. During sexual intercourse multiple thousands of sperm cell race to the egg for fertilization, only one survives and it must be on the basis of getting to the egg in the ovary first. The rest who were not smart enough dies on the road to survival.
This means you survive a race that involved thousands of people, I must say you survived because you are special and because a great destiny lies ahead of you.
Imagine yourself in a race that involved let say 200000 people, and the rules of the race is that the first person only survives, and the number 2nd to 2000000 person dies.
How horrific would that race be?
I guess you would have to practice even if you don’t feel like, I don’t think anyone would feel like sleeping in such situation.
That is how you were born. And after birth the race continues.
The race to survive,  the race for affluence, the race for superiority, the race for a better home, car, family. We are all involved in a racing process whether we believe it or not.
It is no mistake you were born, but it becomes a mistake when you live in want. If you don’t win I bet you someone else will.
All men are born equal, no man is more superior than the other if we can understand how life evolved.
Remember any one who comes into existence is a winner, remember the race before birth.
But how many continues in the winning process after birth? Only but a few.

                              THE RACE   
Dr Denis Waitely a psychologist took the visualization process from the Apollo program and instituted it during the 1980’s and 90’s in the Olympic program.                                                                                         
It was called the visual motor rehearsal, when you visualize then you materialize. The interesting thing about the mind is he took Olympic athletes and then hooked them up to sophisticated bio feedback equipment and had them run the event only in their mind, Incredibly the same muscles fired in the same sequence, when they were running the race in their mind as when they were running it on the track.
HOW COULD THIS BE?                          
Because the mind can distinguish whether you are really doing it or whether it’s just a practice.                                                                             
I think if you’ve been there in the mind then you will go there in the body.                                                                                                                            There is no such sophisticated equipment as the human mind, it is the battle field of both good and evil.
                                 Here is an illustration
 God created man in his own image and likeness. This means he gave us the power to be co-creators like him. In his own image means he transferred his attributes and characteristics to man. When we create its called invention. The cars, aeroplane, houses, electricity and so on was man’s inventions. This people understood the principle of thought and that distinguished them from others. In other word, ‘’what you cannot conceive, you cannot achieve’’. there is no limit to achievement except that which the mind admits. We are always in a creative process because the thought is the first step to creation. our thought is spiritual our inventions is physical. Anything created or would ever be created began or must begin with a thought impulse. If you cannot think, you cannot create. the blindness of the hearth is far more destructive than any other blindness summed together. a blind heath is like a man driving home in the middle of the night without a head light . you cannot achieve what your mind is not willing to accept, big hearth achieve big things because that’s the capacity it can carry and handle ,small hearth achieve small thing because that’s the capacity it can carry, and if you give it more than it expect its going to complain of inefficiency. lets take this instance a 20 litre can can only carry 20 litres of water, a 5 litre bucket would only carry a 5 litre kerosene or maybe fuel, and if you give it more than what it expect it is going to complain of inefficiency. life is a learning process, it continues in that process until the day we die. Mother nature is fair enough it only gives you what you bargain for no more no less. animals are classified by instinct but our schools and colleges lacked the charisma of educating us the way men are classified.
 Men are classified based on their thought. You may not be where you planned to be, you may not have gotten that dream house, you may not have gotten that car keep on thinking you will be shocked when it’s going to show up don’t give up. remember ‘’winners never quit, quitters never win’’. you can recite all the prayer in the world, you can visit all the prayer houses, you can be very religious for all I care if your thought is still that of scarcity, then all your effort becomes vanity.
Thomas Edison invented the electric bulb and you think that action was a coincidence?
 he had nurtured that thought long ago in his mind, stored it in his memory and imprinted it on land
Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright invented the Aeroplane and you think it was a coincidence? This two brothers had the thought of flying a machine able to convey people and goods without having to spend much time on water or land.
The battle of life are won or lost in your thinking. When you think victory, you will have victory at last, like wise thought of fear, of losing your husband, wife or children, accidents can produce this happening. ‘’ I feared a fear, and it came upon me’’. Alexander graham invented the telephone you think it was coincidental?                                                                                          They had all conceived the idea long enough before it manifested.    Logically an average man would say its not possible, how would you converse with someone from as far as the asian world to Africa all with a cell phone?                                                                                     
 How could you withdraw cash with the use of an automated teller machine without having to go through the long queue in the bank? Thought defer logic   Ones you replace your negative thought with positive ones, you will start having positive result. Imagination is stronger than knowledge, and dreams are more powerful than fact. The power of imagination makes us infinite                                                         
   logic is an act of reasoning. Logic will get you from A to B, while imagination will take you everywhere. when we apply logic to success we hold ourselves back and we end up becoming the shadow of ones self.
Before the invention of aeroplane some great but ignorant men had come to the conclusion that what goes up must come down. I called them ignorant in the sense that they were logically oriented, they were amazed when it became a reality. that singular invention countered that law. It’s not possible is a word that has subdued men into misery, poverty, lack and unsatisfaction in life, men who would have emerged into fortune, glory and fame.                                                                                          
 EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.                                                   
