confidence key
Confidence is earned only a rare trait is inherited, this should serve as a relief to those who have been struggling with a life of ''no confidence''. Two of the most popular reasons why people lack confidence is because they are shy and afraid. take away this two factors and almost everyone will be free from no confidence. a lot of people most especially teenagers have battled an un ending low or no confidence life. welcome, for this article will serve as the turning point of your life from where you will now grow wings on your way to any chosen field of life.
A lot of people think confidence is inherited, yes it is, but it is earned on a larger scale through conscious effort by working on ones self. lack of confidence have never been of any good in any mans life. lack of confidence have made men die with their dreams, it has made men a grave yard of buried ideas and talent because they fear to stand out. their mind tells them to be too cautious, it say to them ''if you make any attempt be prepared to be made a laughing stuck.
Many years ago it was time for project and usually every student were made to step to the front of fellow student and talk about his project which is is termed as project defense. it is normal, at this stage  student develop anxiety of every kind- fear of the unknown, fear of making a mistake, fear of what might go wrong, fear of not sang something relevant, fear of being laughed at, fear of other forms of criticism. There was this young boy who was in the faculty of science, computer science to be precise. this young man was present in all of the days that was not his turn to give presentation and on the day of he was to  present he was
absent. i called him on phone as the lecturer called his name severally and he said he was ill. ill? today, the day of your project defense? i ended the call. he was not sick, he simply lacked confidence to speak in public. this guy had to spend another extra year just because of this. not that he was a dummy or wasnt smart or does not have any thing to say, he only lacked confidence in expressing himself. many youngster are no different from this man they have every thing it takes but they lack confidence. this bring us to solving the problem of Low confidence.


This five factor was carefully analysed and would heal you from every form of lack of confidence you may posses in life no matter the degree.

 It has been proven and works every single time, a hand shake means i am in charge. when you throw out a hand first for a shake your confidence level boos and that of the other persons own comes down or at the most becomes a level with yours. at this point you feel at ease and usually would develop the enthusiasm to speak immediately.

                                    (2) Look straight into peoples eyes :
 When ever you feel shy or timid try to look straight into the eye of the person who makes you timid, look straight into his eye balls, ''the black spot of the eye'' and do not be in a hurry to take your eyes off. it would even be more effective if he or she take his eyes of you first. make them bow their head. the bow of the head by them signals OK you win. at this point try speaking up as much as you can and smile more often. it will be wise to practice this instead of making it a head knowledge and watch yourself grow big in confidence.

                                             (3)  Say to yourself '' I am in charge'':
 As simple as this might sound is of great power. tell yourself you are in charge this will help you better place the other opponent in the right perceptive and instead of you seeing them as a mountain to big you would see them as mountain that can be  managed.

                                                   (4) Walk Brisky :
 A Brisky walk portrays activeness and confidence. People who walk brisky are usually categorized as confident people and when people around you see confidence in you confidence is actually produced inside of you. 
