how to do first class speaking in public
Becoming a great Orator.
Just about everyone wishes he had the ''ability'' to do a first class job speaking in public. but most people don't get their wish. most people are lousy public speakers.
the reason is because most [people concentrate on the small, trivial things of speaking at the expense of the big, important things. in preparing to give a talk, most people give themselves a host of mental instruction, like '' i have got to remember to stand straight,'' ''don't move around and don't use your hands,'' ''don't  let the audience see you use your notes,'' ''remember, don't make mistakes in grammar, especially don't say ''for he and I,' say for him and me,'' ''be sure to tie it straight,'' ''speak loud, but not too loud,'' and so on and so forth.
Now what happens when the speaker get up to speak? he is scared because he has given himself  a terrific list of things not to do. he's got himself confused in his talk and find himself silently asking, '' have i made a mistake?'' he is, brief, a flop. he is a flop because he concentrated on the petty, trivial relatively unimportant qualities of a good speaker and failed to concentrate on the big things that make a good speaker.
 the test of a good speaker is not in his posture, but rather whether the audience the point passed across. most of the top speakers have petty defects. some of them have unpleasant voices. yet all this successful public speakers have one thing in common '' they have something to say and feel a burning desire to pass it across in the most possible understanable manner such that the audience will get their point. dont let trivial or the less important things stop you from speaking bodly in public.
I have heard and seen and witness many people jiffer when they are made to speak in public. not because they didn't know what to say, but because they were afraid of the mistakes they could make when speaking.

Speaking in public is not difficult in  as much as you understand the logic. what are the logic? 3 things that can make you stand out as an Orator.

(I) Dont look or listen to what people might say:

Perhaps we are too fond of having sharp open ears to what people might say to us. sometimes you need to turn deaf to what people might think and say to you in as much as you are doing what is right. do the action, let them do the talking. when you get what you want they will become silent and you will earn respect to the maximum.

(II) Never mind fix yourself on the crowd or else you will speak blonder:

 just feel like you are talking to yourself and no body else. when you take thought about te crowdd, far steps in. it is advisable to just feel natural, as if you are educating yourself to become better and no one else.

(III) See others as people who want to learn, do not see them as a judge:

 seeing people as a judge automatically makes you see them as potential enemies. your mind tells you this people are only here to record your mistakes and disgrace you. see them as people who need help to move on and become better in their various facet of life.


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