Mentorship is a process for the transmission of knowledge, social capital and the psycho social support perceived by the recipient as relevant to work, carrier or professional development.
A mentor is an experienced person who advises and help a less experienced person.
Mentorship is required in any field in life. A mentor tells you what to do, how to do, and when to do. The is no sense in making the same mistakes others have made.
A mentor is just like a stepping stone, they tell you where they tried, when they tried, and how they tried and it didn’t work.
A mentor shows you the shortest, easiest possible way of reaching your goals without experiencing much obstacle as he or she had experienced. The use of mentorship cannot be over emphasized ,almost all great had a person they looked up to as a mentor ,those who coached them on their way to greatness.
You musn’t experience other people’s failure before you become wise it is only wise to learn from them.
Some of us get tired when we feel we have done our best, sometimes we plan to quit, sometimes we doubt ourselves saying thing like can I do it?
Is it possible?
We be little ourselves and capabilities and capacity. A mentor is always there to say don’t give up, you can be the best, don’t be little yourself, you have all what it takes, don’t get tired you are at the door.
They are guide, they are like compass, a pivot, a scaffold, an encourager, an energizer, an experienced teacher. They are not there to take your glory, they are there to celebrate when you become successful.
A girl was to go for a spelling competition, she never had trust on herself, maybe because she was the only black in that competition or maybe not. at first she never had a mentor but later on she realized she needed one. as the whole one hundred and thirty contestants all had mentors. She was taught words that was always repeated each year, she was also taught to belief on her capabilities, strength and will power. She progressed from the local level to the national, there was an occasion when she was asked to spell something she only spelt the first five word and stopped, because she had forgotten the remaining, but when she remembered skipping and spelling that word earlier, she began to jump in the stage as if she was skipping until she spelt the word correctly her mentor had told her to skip as that was the best way of retaining words in memory. At last she won the competition. If not for mentorship she would not have won. So mentorship is required on your ladder to success.
They world is not interested in knowing the mentor but the mentored.
If your desire is to be a good business man, meet a good business man who have gotten that experience relating to what you wish to embark on. Let the person tell you the strategies and logic that led to the success.
Jesus mentored his disciples. The time he spent on earth after he had gathered them together was a period of mentorship
He would have simply formed the twelve and left in a hurry, but he knew the important of mentorship. He took time to interact and teach them both theoretically and practically aspect. That the benefit of mentorship, they don’t teach you just the theoretical aspect alone rather they make the theoretical and practical aspect come simultaneously. Mentors are the most patient people every known, they are patient enough to see you become independent then they know their time is up then they leave. There is a vast distinguishing factor between a teacher and a mentor in the sense that you can be a teacher but not a mentor, when you become a mentor you are also a teacher. Lets use this metaphor
A biology teacher who is very good at teaching, doesn’t make her a biologist.
An Agric teacher who is devoted and dedicated to his subject teaching doesn’t mean he is a farmer.
A mentor on the other hand who teaches medicine is either a doctor or was once a doctor.
A mentor who teaches chemistry is or was a chemical engineer.
A mentor don’t just teach, they demonstrate, they know the shortest, quickest, easiest possible way required for that subject matter to remain inside your memory.
Distinguishing factor between a mentor and the mentored
(I)not all teachers are mentors, but all mentors are teachers.
(II)every subject of discussion must involve a vivid demonstration but may not be the same case for teaching.
(III)a mentor tells you what to do, when to do, and how to do. Teachers only tell you what to do most of
(IV)A mentor creates time to interact with each student more often than teachers.
(V)A mentor target at the reference point in the sense that they just take you direct to your goal, but a teacher may tell you other things that are not related to the subject matter.
The distinguishing distance between this two is so vast, it cannot be over stressed.
In high school I remembered my chemistry teacher those days defined catalyst as ‘’anything that fastens the rate of reaction of something’’, mentors are just like catalyst to success. What would have taken you six years to achieve they by cut it to two or maybe three years.
Mentors are practically inclined. And it has been showed from study that what you demonstrate to an individual sticks better than just teaching. Mentors are patience they exhaust everything in them because they feel happy and fulfilled seeing their student excel in their various field. A nice demonstration is a coach most coaches were ones footballers so they coach out of experience not just studying alone. They study their players physically and mentally knowing what position is best suited for them in a particular match and what point in time, really mentors are the best teacher that ever existed.
We go to look for job and the requirement is that you must have some years experience on that field, that company or organisation are only looking for mentors.
Mentoring in Europe has existed at least since ancient Greek times. Historically significant system of mentorship include the guru disciple tradition practiced in Hinduism and Buddism elders, the discipleship system practiced by rabbinical Judaism and the Christian church and apprenticing under the medieval guide system.