How to win in Business and in life 1A

win in business
Trump university presents play to win in Business and life with Lew Hewitt.
Great football team succeed through vision, strategies practice and above all  focus. In this program you will learn from a better and Business coach how to apply these lesson directly to your own business and life .
Understanding Strategies
Lew Hewitt as a coach and an author you have helped thousands of people create success in their businesses and their life. what’s your purpose in this particular program?
I think to doubt the analogy of a championship winning football team is a great way to look at winning at business in life. Top Athletes, top performers knows what it takes to win. Well I think people today are looking at the super stars as a way to say wow! How do they do it, you know how did they put these championship winning teams and these individuals together so really has a purpose is to take a look at what top performers do and then to break that down into a bit like a play book. You know every team is got a play book they have all their strategies,’’ The Rehearsal strategies’’ and what we gonna do in this program is put together a whole series of very practical down to Earth play book strategies that would really help the listener hear to get to the next level of success whatever that happens to be for them.
And in fact we have an actual play book as part of this program which is a series of action steps.  Because this is very much an action driven form of Education that you are offering here.
I think that it is super important that it’s time to what works verses philosophy and concept i mean we’ve all been in business as you said for thirty years and working with leaders it really gets down to the bottom line. You know its performances, what happens at the end of the season, what happens at the end of the year, what happens at the end of the week and what we gonna do here is get right down into the grading year and talk about what walks and what doesn’t work.
And i think you know when you take a look at those big warners for example the New England Peak rates who have won three super balls in the last four years very interesting comment was made by Robert Crafter owner and he said we use the same formulae in football as we do in business. The primary thing is to get good people who have long time commitment and who share you vision on how you want to do things and he said then good things can happen and i think what is super important about this is preparation with application and putting a complete system together whether you are an individual on the team or whether you own the team like owning a business or you are a leader that is being groomed to a higher level everything we are going to talk about will absolutely apply
It sounds like you are passionate about it sport?
I am a sport Nut. You know when i was first growing up my vision back then was to be a sport journalist, and i did get into the writing obviously. I have been always passionate about sports and not any one particular sport. Football always interested me and that’s what we are gonna be talking about.
And you feel that what you have learnt from sport has literally impacted your own business and the way you coach others?
Yea i think the thing about sport and the stars particularly is that they are so inspiring you know we have heard over the years of the teams that were the Under Dogs and then you get this incredible game that goes on and they come back from twenty five points down and they win in the end and you know those types of stories are very inspirational and of course we going to talk about a little bit over here confidence is so important to me that 50% of the battle done whether you actually hit those target or not and i think inspiration from some of this top performers is very valuable
I guess that individuals listening to this are going to vary in terms of what their starting point is. Some people participating in this program may already be at a very high level.
Is there a material here that is going to be very significant for them others may be setting out on the journey of life and very much at the beginning
You know no matter where you are my position is this, there is always another level so i will encourage you as you are listening to this to say you know here’s why i am. Am i doing really well but what is the next level. There is always another level and so what is the bench mark, where are you currently today you know are you celebrating, are you in transition, are you stuck. But what’s your bench mark today. You know it’s interesting in football again John before the season starts there is a pre season training camp and they bring all the hopeful and the bad prints together every single year. They run them through about 3 weeks of training in positioning and it’s all about who is going to be on the team this year, who is going to perform this year, who is going to step up and the bad prints often have a challenge with this young over comers here that want to take a sport. So again i will encourage you to look at it like that where am i today, would i make the bigger team, like what’s the bigger championship team that i haven’t got to yet and there is always one.
Like what advice are you giving to someone actually using this program?
if you are on the team and the season starts there are so many place you have got to go over and over it. It’s all about practice, practice, practice. It’s all about learn a little and do a lot. If you really focus on doing that over the course of next year, you will definitely see measurable result
So less i want to be a winner how do i begin?
Well Every championship winning football team set crystal clear target at the beginning of every season. Now what we are looking at here John is your season is a one year time frame and so the whole thing here is get the picture clear right at the start what is it that you want in the coming year and why do you want it and again the question that i will pose here especially for the listener is do you have the big picture clear, and the answer to this is yes or no we don’t need to a discussion neither do we need a sermon o it, it’s just a simple direct question. Do you have the picture clear about what you and where you want to go the next year Yes/No.
Is interesting you know when you take the survey that has been done in the business world particularly and people have asked have you got your picture clear, have you got a whole figured idea and 97 out o 100 people that i actually survey the answer is no. And the reason the answer is no from my own experiences is first of all this is hard work, this is not something that is going to take five minutes so you have got to put real effort just like the football team they put a tremendous amount of effort into figuring out where are we going, why are we doing it. You know there is a football team said to begin in the year so i should hope we win more than we lose this year i mean if that’s the vision if that’s the picture so my sense on this is getting very, very specific on what you want and why you want it. That’s the start.
In your Experience of Coaching People have you actually seen what effect this has on the result when they get the clear target set out at the beginning?
 Well the big word is focus, it really focuses you on the direction you are going and why you are going there and they why is really important .you know i know people that don’t make a list of things that they want but there is no drive behind that, there is no energy behind that, no excitement or passion behind it. You know again we are talking about football so when you take a look at the teams that really go all the way and they hit it at super ball like the New England peakrates , they are incredibly excited about the end result. and if you don’t have that drive and commitment then life becomes unfavourable for you. But most people John don’t put the effort in and my suggestion would be you take a whole day for this. Take a big note pad go away somewhere and make a list of the categories of things you would like to see in life. remember here we are going to another level so obviously you want to set some target in the area of business, your carrier, your financial situation the years time what that going to look like. and other one’s would be how much time offer would you have for vacation, family time. Have you got that figured idea the number is. How many weeks specific crystal clear. The answer to this question again is Yes/No.
Another one would be your health and fitness. What’s the next level for you to go to. What would that look like is that you got to lose some weight or take something that would give you more energy and stamina. I have a routine in the money that takes me like almost 2 hours to get myself ready for the day and i am not suggesting for you to copy that but that works for me. It get me set up physically, mentally, spiritually, operationally and am ready to go and i found out that makes a tremendous difference.
 And you do that Because you created a Goal that is fulfilled?
You need that drive, that energy to get going right at the beginning of the day. But the bigger thing is do you have the big picture, do you see what is driving you or pushing you to create this habit so that you follow through on this and most people and most people don’t, they won’t take the time, they won’t put the effort in and they certainly do not put it into writing.
And you are saying it should be put in writing and in fact we have a space in the play book to initiate that.
Tell me a little bit about how to write this big goals?
First of all put the categories together is the most important to thing. Let’s just run over this again obviously you will have a business category or your carrier and then you look at financial then how much time are you going to have off ‘’ Fun time’’. What about your health and fitness, what about your contribution that’s a lot of area that people don’t think about. What are you going to contribute this year to the way that seems appropriate for you, what are the most important relationship that you are going to look at the course of the year. In business here are the most important people that you need to connect with you need to build relationship with your co client for example New people strategic Alliances and those are just under one category and that is going to be your little personal goals. I think often we take so much time working with other people and doing things and doing things and solving other people some time we live ourselves at the end of the line. And my wife and i does a 3 days workshop exclusively for women and she finds this happens a lot what happens in this conversations is that you know i have been giving, giving, giving all the time to people and i always seem to put myself last and i will suggest you change that.
Now it sounds like we are going to end up with a whole full of goals how do we organise all that?
Let me get one thing out of the way, a lot of people in business are so you know on the tread mills this days. But this one day off or may be it takes 2 days this is probably some of the most important time that you will schedule on your entire calendar for the whole year.
Like the football Team going into the season can you imagine there is no Play Book, there was no Target to hit and it looks like well lets’ show up and see what happens
And unfortunately and sadly John and a lot of people that’s the way they go through life from year to year so what am suggestion is that change that and take 1 or 2 days top priority time get away get somewhere quiet where you will not be interrupted take a big notepad with you with a couple of pen and go to work and put it on paper and if you have never done this before it will be an absolutely eye opener for you. It is going to be a life changing event.
Is there a way to Prioritize those Goals?
Of course i will suggest take a look at all the categories that are important to you and then just make a list. What is it i like fantasized a little bit. Think big as Donald Trump will say yes of course if you going to do something you might as well do it big. Get a shit of paper you put your categories on it then put your top three target for each of those categories and then put that on a card of some form and then laminate then read it every single day. It only takes a couple of minutes but if you want to re- enforce that, that’s a great way to start.
So then you have a one shit, an entire map of your future life as you create?
That’s like your play book on one shit.
Great!!! And we have the exact instructions in our play book for this program?
Yea when we go into the detail and the specific strategies and the more detail action steps we do week by week and so on.
So less we’ve set our clear Target. How do we keep those target alive in the weeks or months of tour?
Well i think you’ve got to have that big vision and you have got to keep that absolutely front and centre and there are several way you can use visualization of course. One thing i suggest and it works very well for me is to take 5 to 10 minutes every single day just to visualize yourself achieving this particular target.
And again you know some people is going to say those that really work?
I want to be clear here that just doing doesn’t mean is going to happen. You know some people actually teach the only thing you do is visualize and the only thing you do is write your goals down and they all magically happen. I have 30 years experience to say that just doesn’t work. So it is a piece of the puzzle and it’s one thing that you can do again to harness that big picture and keep it absolutely clear, you might say how do you do that. How am i suppose to do that when i close my eyes. By the way i will do this every singular day regularly same time so it becomes a habit, it become consistent again find somewhere quiet to do it, it will help you focus and you know you might want to have some kind of music playing in the background that’s just it, it’s very helpful and i just simply close my eyes and then you imagine your goals being projected on a large TV screen in your mind one of the time and you can take what you know your number one goal was on each categories that you have identified and then picture each goal being achieved as vividly as possible. see the people involved, imagine your feeling the excitement as you had when each target on time. And then use all of your senses. You know use the visual, auditory, and chemo static and then If you get into a daily habit of doing this John you know this would keep your target as i said front and centre and it keeps you energized to achieve them. I don’t know all the reasons why this work’s but it is a very important tool. Some of our most successful client that we have on our coaching program use this simple visualization techniques and they come back with incredible stories at the end of the year. And they say this keeps me focus front and center and that’s what is important.
And this is something that in some form or another we know that a lot of athlete and sport people are using visualization process as more and more as well as the physical training they will picture themselves making the plays, doing the move so whatever that is required to win?
And especially individual Athletes you know Mark Tuksphere who won the gold medal at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics in the back stroke swimming competition and i interviewed him after he won the gold medal and i said you know any techniques that you used Mark you know just before the swim and he said you know what i did i snacked in the night before the swim, i got passed the security people and i got up to the pool and there i had the podium and i stood on the gold medal position. And i looked out over the arena, i looked at the pool and then i closed my eyes and i imagine myself swimming the race and i knew the competition was going to be the American and he was the heart favourite, and he said i saw myself in my mind coming from behind in the last lap and winning the race by a finger tip. And he said I visualize that over and over and over again i also looked at where the crowd would be. I could see Canadian flags flying and i knew my family was going to be sitted, i saw them standing and cheering, i saw the person dripping the medal over me when i had won the race and i did that over and over and over again and you know what happened the next day exactly as he had visualized it and he came from behind in the last lap and won by a finger tip so this is a very very powerful technique.
Mental training for my position is just as critical as the physical training and visualization is a big part of my training and leading up on the game.
So it feels as if this creation of the vision has a tremendous power within one’s life within one’s business?
Well absolutely that’s exactly what it means. You know have a great ideas to create a picture goal book. And you know whether that’s put in pictures up inside your offices you know to see the targets and i am a big believer on that, that anything that is visual really helps. You know the other thing you are going to have a picture goal book you take all those categories and make it fun you know have the family involved, have the people around you involved and go cut out pictures and magazines if you want to go on a great vacation to some where exotic in south Africa or somewhere. Then get the magazines find those fantastic photograph of the beach and so on and then make a picture goals book that if you look at that one’s a week or ones a month is another way to re- enforce it.
You know in football. teams have pictures on their locker room of the super ball trophy and they see that every single time, they have inspirational things upon the world. You know yes we can kind of a thing and one of the biggest thing for football players is this reign that they get you know when they actually win this super ball and people just droll over that i mean that’s the ultimate for the football player. And i know teams who have got huge picture on the locker room of the reign that they would receive on the day they win the championship.
Very Powerful, so in this process what you are saying is not only create a vision. Not only visualize but choose to make that vision big is there an example of that, that you can give me?
I think the best example John is Donald Trump himself. He is one of the biggest thinkers on the planet. He has got huge vision, he doesn’t think small and i guess you know if you going to go through life and think you might as well think big.
And He wants to build the biggest and the best quality, the best quality, the best location, thing that are stunning to the eyes and that’s why he is known as the great builder and he is rightly very proud of that.
So now we have established the targets, we have created the vision. We are Re enforcing the vision what more is required to become a true champion in business in life?
Well i think what goes along with this in this early stage is John you have to create a winning mind set you know in sport, business and life of course stuff happens too. The unexpected may knock you off course and to avoid this you really got to have a steel positive attitude and it’s something that needs to be consistently developed and maintained and again we are going to go over the action steps and i will show you how to do that but you attitude really determines your altitude i think that was something Zig-Zigla taught me many years ago and of course the big thing is that you choose your attitude every single day.
What’s the practical implication in terms of actual Result?
I will give you an example on the business world. Years ago we had a client who was the number one Realtor in the country and so i had an interview with him and i said you know do you really get things that don’t work out in sales and he said of course all the time. And i said so what happens if you get a really big deal coming down and it’s everything is closed and you are ready to go and it’s cancelled you lose the sale, i said how long does it take you to Re-bounce from that. He said yea that happens he said probably before 24 hours, am disappointed and am upset that i might have lost a really really big deal but within 24 hours am back looking for the next one. Now compare that with someone in his office who i also interviewed. He came up to me after a talk one day and said you know am really struggling over here. I got three deals coming up to the end of the month that i practically closed 99% certain i had actually gone and started spending with commissioners, i was so clear that i was going to get this deal and all three of them collapsed and i said how long is it going to take you to Re- bounce from that. And he said pretty tough it took me months before i could get myself back on my feet and there i go again. Now compare the top performers attitude with someone who takes 12 of the year to recover just because they lost a couple of deals.  That is something so ridiculous. I think one of the big things here John is when you get around people who are ambitious, who are excited about life, who have got that get up and go attitude, we never going to quit, we going to make this thing happen. You get around that type of energy it robs off and again it’s something you choose you can either morn and groan and gripe over the things not working or you can say hey that was just an event. I learnt something from that and life is full of experiences and so called failures. But of course every failure is an opportunity to learn from and be better the next time and that’s quiet championship winning football teams that how incredible business people move to that higher and higher level.
You do need setbacks and you do need failure in other to learn how to succeed and so to me failure and setbacks are part of success.
So it’s worth while being in the presence of people who naturally have a high positive energy or just   keep them in mind to inspire you and lift your attitude?
Yea one of my friends who lives in California and any time my attitude tends to shift i put i put this TV screen of my friend in my mind and very quickly let me tell you what happened.
Here is a great young guy in his early 20’s living in San Francisco and he is a great man on the cable cards. And he has just assessed for life and one of the big goal he had was to get a new motor bike. And He had this goals for months and months and saved. He finally got this incredible motor bike another thing he wanted to do was to learn to fly and so here this day comes along. Flying for the first time so low at the same time he just bought this new beautiful motor bike. His riding his bike after the solo fly going through a stop light when a long Van hits him going through the red light.
He had a fatal accident. he was 80% burnt, his face was completely burnt off, he had no hands, body scourged and who is going to live after that. He survived it through the help of friends and family. Three years later or so. He started flying again remarkably and he is going to take up on this plan with three friends.
So is there an action step you will recommend here?
One of the things is very simple to do is again this are habits John and you have a choice whether you develop it habits or not. at the end of each day just take a couple of minutes, two minutes and jot down five positive things that happen during the course of your day. Force yourself to do that every single day and if you do this for 2 or 3 months i guarantee your mindset will shift. If you are having one of those particularly challenging days like we all do from time to time. Then you know If you have got to come up with something like you know i was able to breath today, i was able to work today, i could see today verses some people who don’t have privilege. but first  yourself to write five positive things and to really strengthen your attitude read something stimulating for 30 minutes every day. I love to start my day reading something at the breakfast table and i love Biographies, Auto Biographies, stories of people who have done impossible things. That pumps me for the start of the day, i learn from that, they inspire me an it is another little techniques verses reading all the garbage on the newspaper and rumors that are going on. Imagine loading yourself with that first thing in the day and imagine what your day is going to look like so is really important how you start the day get that might set right at the beginning of the day challenging, fresh, inspiring, ready to go.
