Amazon Produces a Quadcopter to make product delivery Faster.

Amazon Quandcopter
Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world. It has over 200 million customers. Annual revenues exceed $61 billion and it's growth rate is 31.5% per year.
Amazon has decided to sell 306 per seconds and ship 15.6 million of those product world wide.
Jeff Bezos who founded Amazon in 2004 said is when you dance to the tune of your customers by giving them what they want and possibly the best. he also stressed the importance of a fast delivery system. he further stressed that fast delivery is one of the ways you can turn customers into continuous patronizers.
so how does one of the world's leading technology solve this problem? and he decides to create an off Wall project to develop a solution.
this solution to fast delivery of product and services gave birth to Amazon Quadcopter. i don't know why it should be could Quandi instead of Heli _Copter.
the world is really going more technologically, new innovations and inventions every day.
just few days Domino's Pizza launched their own Robot System which was used to deliver good and services in some part of Europe.
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