Money Secret

does schooling ever make us financially successful? does being a graduate indicate escape room poverty?
the question to all this answer is a capital no. in life what determines a man success financially, is not the school or the level of certificate you obtained.
money all lies in one sound idea. no wonder some have been able to grow bigger than poverty despite little or no education.
Think big and Grow rich could change your life, and the level your level of reasoning.
success comes with decision, hard work, perseverance and believe. It  has been said ''money is the root of all evil''. and i am tempted to ask you what is the root of all poverty? don't worry, i will give an answer to that. the root of poverty 'is the lack of ideas''. money is no more than idea.
and that is the reason why every company or business that have grown over the years have their trade secret. these trade secret are guarded with jealousy. haven't you wondered why a document is guarded that way/ its because of the idea.
''Money comes to those who are money conscious''.
Akachi Nwoke the founder and CEO of Emerald Tv quote '' i made money, traveled to more places, bought more land, and increased my bank account in 2016 when Nigerians were crying of recession.
recession only comes to those who do not apply the proven rules to riches.
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