World most Expensive street Legal Car

the most expensive cars in the world are just so much than transportation.
Koenigsegg was manufactured by a Swedish by name Christain Von Koenigseeg. and this super car is the most expensive street legal car in the world. this car is coated in diamond and i guess that is why it is so expensive, not just that it underneath the lustrous lies a 4.8 litres with a total out put of 1,004 horse power and a 797 pounds feet of torque.
MayWeather owns one of this car. as they were only three ever produced. report says he plans to auction this super car for $4.8million  so whether you are Mark Cuban, Bill Gate, Jeff Bezos, Aliko Dangote, warren Buffett, Mark Zurgerberg this cars are for you. you can go out there get one and fell what it looks like to have one of the most expensive cars.
