The First African To Fly Round The World All Alone.

African number one pilot to fly round the globe
A Nigerian by name Ademilola Lola Odujirin, becomes the first African to break the record, as he is now known with the nick name '' the first African to fly round the world''.
who antisipated that the first man to do that would be a Nigerian.  Ademilola wrote his name on gold on wenesday, when he landed at Washington Dulles International Airport.
this guy has completed his circumnavigation and is now a fully certified pilot. according to report becoming a pilot was a long life dream of Ademilola. and now finally his dreams comes true. this is to inspire and give hope to everyone whose dreams and accomplishment in life has not been achieved. it's never too late to achieve.
''if the dream is big enough the problem don't matter''. you can do better than Ademilola.
