
Showing posts from 2016

No Cross No Crown

Many times in life the road to the crown is through the cross. poverty as groomed many millionaires today, because necessity is the mother of invention and discoveries. the great novel, ''Robinson Crusoe'' was written in prison. John Bunyan wrote the ageless ''Pilgrim's Progress'' - the great novel that has produced many films worldwide in a Bedford prison. Martin Luther translated the Bible while confined in the castle of Wartburg. A man called Dante under Death Sentence wrote powerful books that led to the French Revolution of the 12th century. his work were burnt in public after his death. many great men owe the grandeur of their lives to the tremendious difficulties. Difficulties call out great but hidden qualities and make greatness possible. The harder the Diamond, the more brilliant the Luster. Williams Shakespear was holding horses at a cinema hall for Rich Men and that drove him to write one of his best plays ever : The Immortal Harmlet.

Jesus is the Answer

have you toiled for so long, have you been so confused in life, carrier, ambition that you seem not to know where you are fitted for? are you going through pains that you cannot explain? i present someone to you whom i know surely will ease your burden, your stress, your pain, and make it a lighter one for you. his name is Jesus, he is the answer for the world today and above him there is no other. he can help you surely, and if he fails you, do what so ever you want with me. he never fails, his hands are open wide. he said "come ye that Labour and i will give you rest''. if you accept him and embrace him today you would not have to toil from one course to the other looking for where you fit in, you will save yourself the stress from jumping from one ground to the other trying to discover your purpose and destiny. let me tell you he created you, oh yes he knows and would show you everything you need to make your future a bright and outstanding one. John 3 : 16 for God so

Failure is not the end of the road.

we are faced with unpleasant circumstance and situation many times, but that does not mean we should give up. give up is not the best option when you fail. the best option is try, try, and try again. Willie Jollie said failure is not the end of the road, it is a bend on the road. failure should be seen as part of life and an indication that we should jump and pass and then move on. no man has ever achieved worth while success in any endeavour without failing.

Zero can become hero

It was Abraham Lincoln who said ''Nobody has ever expected me to be president''. the secret of portugal at Euro 2016 has a bonded message for you and everyone out there! That Portugal beat France  1-0 to become current European football champion in July 2016 is no longer news! The big news was the fact that it was a substitute player who was considered not fit to start the game, who scored the winning and history making goal. before the game all eyes had been on Cristiano Ronaldo

merry Chrismas

its a season of celebration, a season of love in the air, as we celebrate the birth of christ. you must show love to someone out there today by sharing with them what you have. it doesn't matter how small it is. you will see someone who would appreciate. show some care, it may lift someone from dungeon of despair.

strong Shield war, great victory.

your shield war must be strong, in the days of old when there was no guns, no bombs, no missile, rocket or any modern day war equipments. the people fought only with sword and a shield war. battle was a face me i face you issue, it is not like today where you can kill target your opponent from afar. in those days you must come in direct contact with your opponent and the only source of protection was your shield war. the shield war is a metallic instrument shaped like a circle, used to block or cover your self  from facing the cut and thrust of battle. soldiers would form a shield war and another soldier would run as fast as he can to hit the shield war, if it breaks open then it is not strong enough. the shield war has to be strong as possible to prevent enemies from penetrating. if your shield war is strong enough each of you would form a link in the chain that would be stronger than iron. a soldier one's said one thing is more important than killing. Survival, so you can retur

15 kilometers Home

when i was younger i attended a school about 15 kilometer away from home. so one day i used up my transport fair with the hope that my plans would definitely work out, the reverse was the case. How could i ever get home? i was so devastated and had no other choice than to trek home. i started his journey with a thought of " when would i get home''? little did i know that i was closer to my dreams the very first moment i had made up my mind to use the only option left( to trek home) step by step my dreams came true. Lesson worthy of note was numerous, and these lesson would forever remain a classic and a story to tell. '' The circumstance is not as difficult as it seems to be, it only appears to. slow and steady the leg was made to take us home. yet we feel all hope is lost when we don't find any fast moving object to zoom us as quick as possible to our destination. As i traveled half way about 7.5 kilometers i reailzed there was nothing to worry about. my v

necessity is the mother of all invention

every thing done in life was born out of necessity. the automobiles, Phone,machinery were all possible because of necessity. and that is why we must not complain of our bad circumstances rather see it as an opportunity to create that which never exist. we must form the habit of trying out new ideas, innovotation and principles, you never can tell that may be the break through you have been looking for. God hangs the heaviest weight on tiny ropes. he believes and know you can do it and thats why you too must believe you can. then work towards the attainment of that objective and goal. you will surely see the light at the end of the tunnel. you must never be afraid to try. a little effort makes you ten times better and ten times stronger. keep om pushing on, you never know when the tides might turn around, and then the whole world comes shouting  '' i knew you could do it''.

US Presidential Election.

Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump were in final battle today. finally the result is announced Donald Trump wins the election. God bless the United State of American Wole must fufil his promise ooooo, he must tear his green card. God bless the United state of Biafra (USB)

the power of the mind

The mind is also referred to as the MIND - SET, because it can be reset. you must learn to reset your mind to the positive attribute and the positive things you wish to acquire in life. our thought is the first creative process. when ever you think you have created. you must learn to expel those negative thought like the thought of i cant, its too difficult, its not possible and replace it with thoughts like i can, its easy, its possible.,you must change the way you think so that you can change your reality. a writer ones said life is a think that, get that process. Mr Emerson said , and i quote great mind are minds that see that thought rule the world. learn to control and channel your thought toward positivity and you begin to get positive result in your life. there are two types of bank in our mind, they are 1. The positive Bank : the positive bank as the name applies, is were all positive thoughts are stored. you must learn to withdraw from the bank of positivity. withdrawing

Failure is not the end of the Road, But a Bend on the Road.

When thing go wrong as they sometimes will, when the road you are trudging seems like an uphill task, when the funds are low and the debts are high, and you want to smile, but have to sigh, when cares are pressing you down a bit, rest if you must, but never give up. success is a failure turned inside out, the silver tint in the clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are; it may be near when it seem so far! so stick to the fight when you are hardest hit! Problems are only opportunities in work clothes! Impossibilities  vanish when a man and his God confronts a mountain! The best way out of a difficulty is through it. until you go through, you can break through! so hold on! Defeat never comes to a man until he admits it! success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go! Never forget that great men who have lifted the world to a higher level were not developed in easy circumstances, but were rocked in the cradle of difficulties and pillowed in ha

Retreat to Advance! Never Give Up

When thing go wrong as they sometimes will, when the road you are trudging seems like an uphill task, when the funds are low and the debts are high, and you want to smile, but you have to sigh, when cares are pressing you down a bit, rest if you must, but never give up. success is failure turned inside out, the silver tint of the clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are; it may be near when it seems so far! so stick to the fight when you are hardest hit! problems are only opportunities in work clothes! impossibilities vanish when a man and his God confront a mountain! T he best way out of a difficulty is through it. Until you go through you can't break through! so hold on! Defeat never comes to any man until he admits it! Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go! Never forget that great men who have lifted the world to higher level were not developed in easy circumstances, but were rocked in the cradle of difficulties and pillowe

Different Stars Different Destinies

Once upon a time, an elephant and a dog fell pregnant at the same time. after 3 months the dog gave birth. 6 months later, the dog became pregnant again; 9 months later, it gave birth to a dozen puppies. this pattern continued! in the 18 months, the dog mocked the elephant as follows Dog : Are you sure that you are pregnant? we got pregnant the same day. i have given birth 3 times to a dozen puppies and they are now grown up, yet you are still pregnant. whats going on? or you only wanted to be treated in pretence of being pregnant? Elephant :Hahaha! there is something i want you to understand! what am carrying is not a pupil but an elephant. i only give birth to one in two years. when my baby hits the ground, the earth feels it. when my baby crosses the road, other animals watch in admiration. what i carry draws attention! i cannot be ignored! it is not common to find an elephant knocked down by the side of the road. so what i am carrying is mighty and great. do not envy others whe

The lecturer and the $20 Note

A lecturer was in the hall having lecture with his student, and then he brought out $20 note. How many of you want this? the 200 student raised up their hands. He folded the money into half, How many of you want this? the whole student hands were up again. further more he squeezed the money until it became rumpled, How many of you want this? the whole student hands were up. the lecturer dropped the money on the ground and then used his shoe to squeeze the money, by now the money was not only completely squeezed, but it was dirty as well. How many of you want this? and again the whole student hands were up again. you are like that money, remember no matter how hard that money was squeezed and dirty yet the whole student still wanted it. when life toss you up and down, front and back, right and left. you have not lost your value, it doesn't change whom you are MOVE ON, KEEP ON, DO NOT GIVE UP. statistically great men who had written their names in the sand of history were one


Mentorship is the process for the transmission of knowledge, social capital and the psych social support perserved by the recipient as relevant to work carrier or professional development. a mentor is an experienced person who direct a less experienced person. mentorship is required in every field of life. a mentor tells you what to do , how to do , and when to do. there is no wise ness in falling into the same ditch some other person has fallen into. and so therefore a mentor acts as a steeping stone. they tell you where they tried and failed, they show you the shortest possible way to become successful without experiencing the falls they encountered on their way to the top. Mentorship cannot be over emphasized, virtually all great men ones had a mentor. some one they could look up to, someone that coached and encouraged them. it is really an important issue in the attainment of success, some get tired when they feel they have done their best. but a mentor is always their and he s


Self worth is the average total value tagged on a person. self worth has a strong way of affecting our lives. there is no such important key note to achievement like the subject of self worth. for you to gain , achieve or acquire more in life, you must increase your self worth. the reason people go through life without getting the best it can offer is because they have nothing to offer. it is automatic. when your self worth increases your level and chances of success increases. we all want to become successful but we blot out the subject of self worth. you must learn to increase your self worth if you must have outstanding success in anything. people who are aware of this see to it that their self worth is increased so as to create a more conducive environment for success. there is no other way by which self worth can be assatained other than impacting positively  in the lives of others. when you impact in the lives of others you increase your value/ self worth. you being of hel

The Pain and Gains of success

The earlier you understand life, the better for you. you must learn that the first rule to success is No sacrifice, no success. ''seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men''. to be great you must sacrifice your pleasure for your prosperity, your comfort for your gain. if you must hold on to that pleasure and comfort then forget about being successful in your field of endeavour. The deceit that you can harvest where you did not sow is the reason many people depend on miracle centers and micro chips during exams in order to pass, it is wrong. if someone has ever passed exams without the use of microchips then you can also do the same. in life every body wants success, but only few are willing to sacrifice to make success come to them. no man has ever succeeded in any endeavour without pain. you must be willing to pay the price for success. when a man becomes successful we dont see the sacrifices
Have you ever felt like giving up or quitting your quest for success? at age 64 Diana became the first person ever to swim from Cuba to Florida without a protective cage, this eventually took her three days, after five different attempts begining from 1978. she failed at 29, but she never gave up. some how she strongly believed in herself, that she will one day succeed. the dream to swim across the straits of Florida came to Diana at the age of eight, while she was in cuba on a trip from her home in Florida in the 1950's, for Diana to have accomplished the dream she had as an eight years old, at the age of 64 shows she was determined. many people might think Diana Nyad is a super woman, who had everything working for her, but she's not. Diana had so many setback, limitation and barrier . at different points, she had reason to give up on the attempt, but she decided never to do so. Diana's life goal was a set record for swimming from Cuba to Florida.'' failure is

Success comes with Desire

I want to Ask you this question. What will you Attempt if you know you could never fail? start now and then and begin to do it. I was in a seminar, and this question was asked in the seminar. If God was sitted beside you right now, and says ''Son lets make money'', How much would you ask for? make sure you write that down in a piece of paper. so many go through life without getting the best out of it because they don't have the recipe for success. have you ever thought of why an individual would make a cake of pie and it taste delicious, someone taste that pie and tries to make his own. that persons has the recipe for success, success does not come by mere sitting down, you must work so you can become successful. if people were asked today what is your plan for the future, most of them would have nothing tangible to reach must decide what you want, and then act with believe that you are going to get it because you deserve it. let it be known that '