Weight Lift, Push Ups, Compare.
Compare Push Up Vs Weight Lifting. 
Weight Lifting has been the most common exercise  for muscular build up. it has been in existence for a long time. perhaps that's the reason why most people do not know they can have that muscular body just by doing Push-Ups.
everyone that does exercise has one reason behind their action. you don't just do a thing because you simply want to, you do things because you have a target.
Weight lifting in a lay mans term is the act of Lifting heavy object on constant regular bases to build up your muscles.
in this 21st century, weightLifting is more of a round heavy metal or block fastened round a thin long rod for the purpose of Lifting to gain muscles.
Weight Lifting is common among the gymnastic people and wrestlers. but more common among the wrestlers.
Professional Wrestlers such as John Cena, Randy Otto, A.J Style, Triple H are among the vast names of wrestlers who believe in weightLifting. there are encyclopaedia of unmentioned wrestlers and individuals who do same too. maybe if i go on listing each and every single one it may take you years before you can finish reading. and moreover i don't want to get you bored.
The importance of weight Lifting is it builds the shoulders, wrist and back bone (Body). this part of the body expands with time thus becoming bigger and wider as a result of external stress in the body.
that's why it is common to see weightlifters with big shoulders, broad chest, big wrist and a wide thick chest that looks like a woman's breast.
for me not to deviate from this discussion i will ask this simple question and perhaps give the answer so you get the broader perspective on the subject at hand.
The reason why you should do Push -Ups rather than Weight Lifting. although this subject is an Object of debate but it must be noted that it was written base on experience and not merely just some kind of intellectual insinuation.

The Mechanism of Push-Ups.
Push Up is a form of exercise that is done by lying flat on the ground, with a stretched out body and then using your hands to Pull up the body in an up and down continious steady manner until one gest tired or exhausted.
When you do Push-Ups it start first by developing the back bone by making it broader and puffed out. gradually it does same to the wrist it then extends to the back, to the tie and whole part of the body.
Push-Ups develop all part of the body simultaneously. Push-Up builds all part of the body at a go without leaving any part behind. it distributes muscular energy round thee body in the right proportion.
Here is a perfect illustration:
You might have seen couple a number of times people who do weight lift have one part of their body either bigger than the other  or unevenly distributed, this does build just a part of the body and not the whole.  that's why some so called weight lifters posses big thick body with thin legs. however for this Weight Lifters to attain than perfect evenly distributed muscular body they do another kind of exercise known as seat Ups.
in the case of Push-Ups you do not have to go through all this too strenuous exercise. just do your regular exercise and watch yourself gain that extra weight you have always dreamed of.
Now for the sake of clarity we now have to Put this reason in a list format.

Push Ups is a Better exercise than Weight Lifting because of the following reasons.

1. Maximum distribution of Muscular Energy:
 There is evenly distribution of muscles to all part of the body without the need of the chest being disproportionate to the legs or any part of the body.

2. Less Stress :
Push-Ups do not require much stress like Weight Lifting this is for real the simple truth. you can go check out for yourself.

3. Does not require Capital :
 You use your hand to push the body therefore it doesn't require spending money setting up some kind of blocks or iron unlike Wrestling.

4. Conveniency:
 It doesn't have a specified time when it can be done. you can wake up at the middle of the night if you care and do your Push-Ups all the way.

5. Mobility:
 Push-Up is mobile. why not when you are the instrument required for every exercise. you can stop at any time for some exercise.

6. Risk Free:
It is a perfectly risk free kind of exercise. you are not afraid of some kind of big heavy weighty object falling on you.

7. No additional exercise required :
 In Weight Lifting to remain in an evenly distributed body shape, you need an additional exercise known as seat up.

8. Accesibility to exercise Material :
 You are accessible at all times when you do Push-Ups but that's not the case with Weight Lifting. how about visiting a place where there are no weight to lift that simply means nothing to lift until you find one.
