You can really change your life within the shortest possible time by putting you life plans into writing and meeting each details or requirement on a daily bases.
year before last, I was on my fifth year working at a Fortune 500 company and I was miserable. I was exhausted, working solely for money, which as Alan Watts says, creates a meaningless existence. I wanted desperately to quit and live more fully.

And then one day it happened. After 5 years, I was out.

I took my severance and taught yoga, meeting tons of new people and enjoying the sun on my face instead of the white walls of an office space.

Twice a month at least i travelled.  SE Asia, i went through. Peru, Colorado twice, NYC multiple times, Portland and the Oregon Coast, in Ohio i visited my family on several occasion, took weekend trips to the Keys…my work life balance was great (and when your work feels like play it’s even better!)

The great Lessons I learnt that Year:

1. living in alignment with my soul, and following that that tiny voice called the inner self
 That I value my time over money
2. Listening to that still small voice will help you move toward the right direction
3. Creating a plan and the universe will meet you halfway
 4. letting go of the things that made me stagnant and un productive. In this case I had to my good paying in other to gain life momentum and go in the direction that was best for me. though it was really a very though decision. it wasn't an easy task at all.
 self confidence grew in me which made me believe I was capable of doing anything.

During my backpack trip through Asia, I thought that surely there was a way to support myself financially while dancing through life.

5.After all, through the experiences that year I had gained confidence that there was little I couldn’t do and wisdom I felt responsible to share with others.

I came back home in a flow state of mind. I came back to teaching, and realized a few side benefits from my year of adventure:

I  found my voice! I saw myself writing and speaking more than ever before
People began asking me for advice and guidance relating to travelling, this led to more conversation until we discussed about virtually all  they wanted in life and why they weren’t getting it. I joined a coaching academy as i got to work, got my own life coach to see how it’s done, spent a whole lot of time learning how to completely channel the mind. One client led to more and more and it’s snowballed into watching dozens of people completely makeover their lives. It brings me to my knees and gives me goosebumps thinking about it. i was so so suprised, because that was what i least expected.
Everything we do in life to become a better person is a risk and so Once you learn how to take a risk, you become much bigger in risk management. courage level increases. and ever since then each year has been more exciting than anticipated, tremendiously adventurous, and more authentical me since.
This year’s adventure has been to build my coaching business, where I help others turned their dreams into reality. I want to see everyone who was ever stuck, and trapped in a life that wasn’t fulfilling find the courage to live out their own unique adventure.

And the beauty is the courage exists in all of us, we just need to peel away the layers of doubt that make us think otherwise.

So yea, I went from being a corporate minion, to teaching, to traveling, to having full control over my life, to teaching others how to do the same…
