Passion, Success Residence, Grow with Passion.
Go for Passion.
                                           HOW PASSION MAKES YOU GROW.

in a famous article, a certain post caught the attention of almost everyone '' If you don't have passion then you are a casual''.
these word struck me like lightning bows. i felt a deep sense of energy lifted up from my inner man. Be passionate about what you do and people will love you. you don't have to please everyone ''the mistakes most folk do''. if you do not love your work how will people love it or pick an interest in what you do?
When you are yourself you will with certainty see people who will get attracted to you.
Passion is a strong infinite feeling of unwavering love on a thing. most people back down from businesses after months or few years of attempt simply because the money did not come in just immediately as anticipated. Passion breeds patience and Patience breeds success.

A Woman of whom i am acquainted to, began a little business and after a week or so she packed up because she felt she was not having enough customers as expected. only but two weeks, imagine that.

Drive/ Passion  say’s OK am not doing this because of Financial consideration all am concerned about is the inner satisfaction and pleasure I derive from it.
Wish says OK I gotta be paid well, even if the job is not properly done who cares?

 A man of twenty six was brought for test. He had quited the field of medicine after four years of hard work. This seemed awkward but what might be the reason the psychology asked anxiously. he started ‘’ there is no wisdom enrolling into a particular field of study that you do not derive joy in doing. Money should not be a paramount when considering a profession, you must go for satisfaction and happiness. Money should be secondary’’. Furthermore the psychologist asked ‘’ and what discipline could simply bring the young man joy’’?  ‘’Farming, Farming sir, I acquired a land which has been cleared. It is about one fifty acres, I hope to segment this land into four sector. One for livestock, the second for food crop, the third for fruit farming and the fourth for a milk processing factory for my live stock. I also plan on venturing into  hotel business where people can eat all continental dishes including Chinese food for those who enjoy it’’.  He went on listing his plans for the future.
 Finally the psychologist turned to his family that had brought him and said ‘’ there is nothing wrong with this man, he is of a perfectly sound mind. From my assessment he is more of a business man than of a medical personnel’’.
 Here is a near perfect Illustration.
Jim carter: David Bryan why are you always unhappy even when well paid?                                        David Bryan: I don’t know I just feel terrible because I need more of the green stuff.                              David Bryan: Jim you put up smile all the time, what’s the secret?                                                        Jim carter: I derive hundred percent pleasure and happiness in my job though am not well paid.             Are you in the position of Jim or David?                                                       

Bill Batman did financially well when he was a Lawyer, but even with all this he was not a happy man until he went into Real Estate.  Money isn’t everything.                                                                           A man without drive is like a driver without a specified direction.           
Every being has more than enough potential, that when properly applied would yield the millions of dollars you ever wish to acquire. This can only be possible if you discover the giant in you, by taking close observation of yourself.                                                                                                                  Parent on the other hand can help the infant by taking notes of the activity they engage themselves most often.
Are you a resident of successful Villa or a residence of Failure Villa?

FOOD FOR THOUGHT : Passion Negligence means being Casual. never settle for casual, go for Passion.
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