good things, magnet, how to magnet
Being a magnet for good things
In a more simpler terms faith Is to believe on the unseen. It is what you feel now by reason of what you see ahead. You must kill doubt and embrace faith to succeed. Faith must be enforced by reasons and not by evidence.                                                                                                                              Our subconscious mind translate into its  physical equivalence a thought impulse of a negative or destructive nature, just the same way it does if you had a positive thought. If you fail to accept this simple truth you might not amount to anything in life.                                                                         Faith is a force that propels solutions toward your problem the exact way a magnet does when it comes in harmony with a metal, this force have robbed the grave of its victim, it has made deaf ear come alive, it has made the dumb speak, it has made the fearful brave, it has given hope to the hopeless. It cannot be over emphasized.                                                                                              The native doctor believes on his charm that is why it works for him.                                                     Christians believes on the Savior Jesus Christ and it works for him.  Man was created to trust on something higher than himself.                     
 The scenario of Faith is likened to visiting a car sale point, though you don’t have a penny in your pocket. meet the sales personnel, and tell him you like that car, then you ask for the keys to the car, open the car, sit on the car, caress the steering for as long as you want, ask for the price of the car, the model of the car, engine model, the company that produced the car, tell him you want the latest brand. Just try as much as possible to extract many information about that your dream car. Then tell the sales personnel that you would come back as soon as you are ready for the purchase, further more collect the number of the personnel. In doing that you are closer to having that car than you can ever imagine.                                                                                                                                             There lies a deep mystery in inquiry making on things you would love to have but cannot afford. the mystery of inquiry has a thin tiny invisible dots linked to possession.                                                     Making inquiry about something you love and would want to have draws you close to having than you can ever imagine. if you desire to have something, then why not you go out there and have a book full of details pertaining it. Or isn’t that the first process to purchasing? It only takes a stronger man of will to price a jet whereas he doesn’t have a bicycle. It takes an even stronger mindset to price a castle whereas he sleeps under the bridge. Not everyone has the gut to, but with faith you will have the gut to.                                                                                                     
 A Young man learnt not just to have faith but exercise faith. He was fond of pricing and in a broader scope making inquiry on what he would love to have though he couldn’t afford it.                                  One post caught his eyes ‘’Buy me’’, A hotel was to be sold. This young man met the agent and asked how much he wished to sell the hotel. The agent told him and so they reached a final agreement. not even a penny stacked to his pocket if you turned him head side down.                                           This young man continued in this process until it became a lifestyle, a lifestyle he could barely go a day without practicing. What was needed by sellers to be convinced he was a potential buyer was the way he carried himself and more still the way he dressed. He made sure to visit the next day where he saw something that caught his eyes, he came dressed on a dignified suit, a white long sleeve beneath, a beautiful black slim tie with the best gentle man shoe I have ever seen. All this was of the opinion ‘’ a man is addressed the way he dress’’. Whenever he came in the sales personnel froze because of his stunning appearance, here by giving him the advantage of full detail talk from the sale agent, of course what do you expect when he looked fully qualified based on outfit. he then walks away with the final statement ‘’ I will see you soon’’. Until one day it all came like a bombshell when I heard he had bought the hotel for which he once had no purchasing power for. There was a rumor that filled the air about his dad complaining about his child that he was fond of peering into what he cannot afford. Of what difference does it make now that he can afford all he wants.                                                                                                       It only takes guts and a man of strong faith and believe to make inquiry on a thing far off than he can afford. If you think it’s not try one yourself.                                                                                           I do not understand this mystery but it sure do work all the time. If you desire to have a thing start behaving as someone who has it and in no time you will have it if you believe. The successful individual have formed the habit of a majestical work, they work as though there is nothing to worry about. head straight, swinging arms, shoulders high with a kind of mild walk suggesting everything is fine. A kind of walk that is better described as ‘’the walk of freedom’’. If you wish to become successful, then imitate the successful as much as you can. The way they eat ‘’with ease’’, walk lifestyle ‘’with ease’’, they talk in a moderate way not so fast not so slow and most of all with boldness and confidence. In no time with believe you shall become one when you start behaving like one.
Some describe faith as a chemical, others say it is a force. it is also  believing in things not seen.            There  was a ninth grade teacher, who was told one day, you have a terminal breast cancer, you’ve got 6 months to live, and she said ‘’I can’t die now, too many children to teach, too many things still to be offered’’. She said ‘’ I might have cancer, but cancer does not have me. She never died of cancer. Not too long after she made that outstanding statement she ordered the doctor to carry a test on her of which the doctor objected saying there was no need for that because she had undergone a test few days ago. This woman insisted that a test be carried out on her again of which the doctor reluctantly carried out and the test read ‘’ HPV negative’’. The doctor was shocked and called other colleagues ‘’Carry out yet another test on her, something is wrong somewhere’’ he said, and it was done ‘’HPV Negative’’ she was free from cancer.                                You can change your life if you can exercise faith like this teacher. Go home put your shoulders to work and you will discover that with little effort all that you ever wanted will become a reality if you do believe.

 ‘’If we give up where is our faith? If we quit who do we blame? If we lose courage how do we reach our destination? We ain’t giving up, we won’t give in until greatness and fulfillment is brought before us, until we live a legacy that will forever stand the test of time and people say these are the men that changed the world’’.
