cause of indecision, solution to indecision.
4 Major cause of Indecision.
1. WHAT WILL THEY SAY:                                                                                                                        WE ask ourselves this question too often when we want to do something. We are always concerned  about the opinion of others, what others think or say doesn’t matter, what matter is you. Why would you make your decision depend on others when you know that your decision is right and worth doing. The opinion of others would always be wrong most of the time, you got your life and future in your hands, the ball lies in your court. Each of us has been put on earth with the ability to do something well, we cheat ourselves and the world if we don’t use that ability as best as we can.

On a Rainy Sunday morning I met a boy whom we attended the same church. he was in a hurry because he had gone late, when he saw me he slowed down, we greeted each other and on our way, he brought out a sun glass, he put on the glass and said  to me‘’ how do I look’’?, I knew he wanted a compliment, but didn’t get any, I rather told him he was looking like a suspect and to my greatest surprise he removed the glass and said ‘’I am not going to use it any longer’’, I asked him why ,and he said was I deaf to what I just said. I knew one word would get him to wear those sunglasses again, I chuckled him and told him It was a joke, and added that the glass was so nice on him  as though they manufactured the glasses specially for him, guess what he brought out the glass again wore it and worked down majestically, as if he just won a million dollar.                             Many have lost opportunity that would have bettered their lives. quite a great number of individual are guilty of this because they fear criticism. They feel terrible to stand out, they are shy to stand out, they feel foolish to make a different. Great men and women were ones criticized and insulted because they dared to be different. Dare to be different in the positive light and be prepared to be misunderstood. take that decision today with a mind that you must be criticized and called crazy by those who never aspire to become great and successful. Anyone taking initiative will get criticized for moving too fast because there is always someone who wants to slow you down.                                                                                                                                     Some would have bettered their lives if they reached decision promptly. But indecision destroyed everything.                                                                       

 Timidity is an antonym to courage so therefore every task in life deserves courage. believe you can do it I assure you nothing would stop you from standing tall.

The subject of variety is another outstanding reason on why men do not reach decisions promptly.  People do not take decision promptly because of available alternatives. this has affected a great deal of lives negatively. They are slow when some decision requires promptness. Most individual fix their mind on alternative and so they are not able to generate enough focus energy needed for the level of success they wish to attain. If everyone was confined to just a single option and the penalty for failure is death, then they would fight through with every breath and strength just to succeed.  It is a proven fact that variety do make most men unstable.                                                                               

 A seminar was conducted years ago, they were about five hundred persons in attendance. This seminar lasted for hours and everyone became hungry. Finally it was lunch time and they filed up into the hall of refreshment, the hall was completely mesmerized with all kind of dishes and it was a ‘’serve yourself meal structure’’ So everyone was self minded. But there was something common among ninety five percent of the attendees, it was the problem of indecision. These people moved to and fro without knowing which meal to choose, they were really confused, some spent two to five minutes gazing into meal bowels, all because they were trying hard to decide on what they should go for, while others were busy combining meals that do not match, all with an effort to taste all dishes, these people went home with running stomachs, perhaps that was the price they had to pay for indecision. They couldn’t reach decision because of variety. sometimes in life variety becomes a bait and wants to trap you by distracting you from reaching your goals. Nevertheless only five percent were precise and was able to reach decision, they took what they wanted immediately and ate to the full. There was something of great importance that must be learnt from this few who were able to reach decision promptly and that being  ‘’they ate to the full and most importantly left on time’’. If you want to get filled to the brim and arrive to the peak of fulfillment and achievement in the shortest possible time you must decide what you want immediately and kill indecision.

 4.. FEAR:                                                                                                                                                       Fear means false ear, why would you listen to a false ear. False ear would always tell you it can never be done because of its nature. so don’t be afraid of doing what is right. The only real prison is fear, and the only freedom is freedom from fear. Go into it with boldness believing it is going to work out as expected.                                                                                                                                    This is how destructive fear can be. When you begin to fear, doubt steps in, when doubt steps in , disbelief sets in, when disbelief sets in Faith wains down, when Faith wains down hope is Lost, when hope is lost dreams die when dreams die you become unfulfilled..

‘’Fear not that you might make a mistake believe in your dreams, fear rather that if you do not succeed or move forward. you might stand before God and he will say you could have succeeded if you had a little more faith, waited a little longer and pushed a little harder’’.  Was a quote made famous by Dr Robert Shaw. You must kill fear if you must succeed.                                                                                                                 
There was once a great warrior named Authernishia . She fought more battles on sea than on land.  As they sailed through to the middle, a challenge arose and it was which team would lead the first attack? As she threw this question to the fleets of soldiers, one of her generals named Handali stepped forward.                                                                                                                                                   “What guarantee do I have that you would bring me victory”? “My word and my life. you would taste victory by the day end’’. The general concluded.                                                                               Handali and his boys made a great slaughter that day, they slaughtered everyone to the last man.         All our dreams can come true, if we had the courage to pursue them. Sometimes you have got to jump off cliffs and grow wings on the way dowN.

1. Be deaf to What others say :                                                                                                                      Its your life, make sure your own decision is based on your own conviction except in some rare occasions where you listen to others.

2. Courage :
    Be courageous. tell yourself there is nothing to be timid about, it will not be easy at first when you start but constant repetition would help instill courage in you someday.

3. Know thy Want:
   Dont get confused when you see a lot of ways to survive or get what you want and as a result of this you want to grab them all    at once. there is an adage that goes '' you cannot catch two birds at once''. focus on each task and after proper execution you    can move to the next. Sometimes in Life variety becomes a Bait.

4. Kill Fear : Ask yourself why am i afraid and try to figure the reason behind the fear. when you figure out the reason you have    finish the first process of conquering fear. next deal with that reason by saying to yourself '' I can do all thing so therefore there    is nothing to be afraid of''.
