
Showing posts from November, 2017


passion-is-place-success-resides. Destiny Finder Quite a good number of commercials have made strong emphasis on this notion ‘’Go for Passion’’.       Passion is a very strong, great, powerful deep felt emotion of belief in an idea or principle. When you have passion for something it grows into an obsession. Obsession makes you think nothing more on anything until you achieve that goal.  When you have passion for a course your mental, physical, psychological, emotional, social being gets involved in the process of actualization of that thing. At this point you become focused without minding the situation or circumstances that beclouds you. you become deaf and insolent to your limitations and begin to see victory before its arrival so the problems today don’t matter. If you go for passion success is but a few meters away.                                                                                        Nothing matters but the will to succeed. Not your color, nor education n


Do you have a purpose in life? this path would help you find it.  the-path-to-uncovering-life-of-purpose. The Pillar Of Influence Positive thinking  is a mental attitude in which you expect good and favorable result or condition at all times.                         These are the 5 Influencer to a Positive Life  (I)BOOKS :  The more you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you will go.  The books you read have a great impact on your subconscious being, whether you come to believe it or not. you tend to act in a manner of what you come in contact with everyday.  You can read the books of men who failed, learn from their failures so you wouldn’t have to go through that same path.  there is no wisdom in repeating your father's mistakes or the mistakes of others. instead of falling where others did the same i think it would be more cheaper to learn from them.                                                                   


Why Prefer Male To Female Africa constitute 54 countries and its Original inhabitant are blacks race. they are called blacks because of their color.  Africa is the second largest continent after Asia and is located South of Europe and Asia. it has a population density of around 1.,269,290,185 as of  9:47am on 28/11/2017 (live report) of which 25 percent are Nigerians. Africa is a rich diverse continent with thousands of different tribe leaving together.  The largest country in the Land of Africa is Nigeria with over 500 languages while the smallest country in Africa is Seychelles. Far from the title. there is absolutely no reason to prefer any gender over the other. we were all created with great strength and equal opportunities and I stand for women. so male preference over female portrays un- civilization. Why Africans prefer Male to Female offspring which is going to be the center of our discussion. Why Are There Gender Inequalities In Afria? firstly. general


Becoming a Role Model Role model has been in existence right from the days of Adam. its has been in existence for a long, long time.                              A Role Model is simply a person whose behavior, example or success everyone wants to emulate. becoming a role model is the aspiration of everyone, no one wants to remain without having someone who wishes or try to emmulate their life style.  Role model involves two things, you one to be like someone or someone wants to be like you. this two factor is the underlying spot between individuals. no one will emulate an unsuccessful individual or someone with a dented name. everyone wants to take on the life style of important successful individual. each person in life has an individual he looks up to each day with a kind of statement that portrays ''i want to be like this person''. lets take this instance, I may wish to be like David Bryan, yes! probably because of his way of lifestyle. in a more broa


A Book people wants to Read. I have analyzed the steps to writing best selling books and from my deductions this books are based on 7 hidden principles. the principles is what i term as the (L.I.O.E.E.F.R.) Structure.  Meaning Life events, interviews, observation, experience, experiment, fiction and research. these six steps are the main influencer of great classical books lovable by all.  Writing a lovable book that people wants to read takes a lot of hard work, dedication focus and time. i must say it doesn't get prepared overnight, it's a day in day out continues effort with tones of research.  In the world of today there are thousands of book out there but how many is what reading? maybe just a couple or so i guess because of the careful strategy used during its creation life circle. there are probably millions of book out there that no one wants to read. i think what you should be afraid of is not the millions out there rather be afraid of not making your own w


Doorway to Leadership. No one is ever pulled to high level of success without the support of those working under them. you do not succeed basically on your own. rather you get there because of the support from others. before you gain these support and co-operation from others, you must possess Leadership abilities. There are 3 Rules to Leadership. 1. Communicate and Share ideas with those you want to influence: Trading minds with the people you want to influence is a magic way to get everybody to act the way you want them to. Ted B. worked as a television copywriter and director for a large advertising agency.when the agency obtained a new account, a  children's shoe manufacturer, Ted was assigned responsibility for developing several TV commercials. A month or so after the campaign had been launched, it became clear that the advertising was doing little or nothing to increase ''product movement'' in retail outlets. Attention was focused on the T


Overcoming Procrastination. In the simplest possible terms, Procrastination is doing what ought to be done now Later without  any reasonable or tangible excuse. This are simple but Powerful anti procrastination therapy 1.  Clear Emergency Issues firstly:  Emergency is an incidence or task that require immediate attention or solution. taking care of an urgency at real time prevents the worse from happening which definitely would have a great positive impact in ones life. take for instance A drowning child requires an urgent attention than a Hungry child. if you do not rescue the drowning child there is a probability that he will die within the shortest possible time but i have not really had where someone died as a result of hunger. doing this will ensure you not loosing out important life issues. 2 .Create a time for Daily Review : As the day breaks create quality time to think and reminiscence about the days activities and your plans in solving them. this


3-simple-step-to-become-leader. Visualize it and it is done. Nothing is inherently who you are, but inherently you are all things. If you can truly sit and just be in the space of what is, you will see everything is of the same space. I know the Law of Attraction states conceive it and you will achieve it, but what my experience has been is visualize it and it is done. When I sit and visualize something I am there. Whether it’s playing a musically instrument, singing, being rich, emanating peace, being love, or anything  else, to me this is so because nothing is inherently who you are, but inherently you are all things. Read this slowly and allow it to sink in: Nothing is inherently who you are, but inherently you are all things. This requires the non attachment to any mental formation of what’s actually occurring or what’s being visualized. Because everything is inherently impermanent the only way visualization is blocked is by attachment to the emotional aspect of something


The Allied Station. There is a Union or connection between our  thought and the universe. this alliance is a product of every life circumstance in the world today. they work in harmony and in accordance with our views about life. this station are divided into two categories which will be shared immediately. There are two types of station the first is the broadcasting station and the second  the receiving station.                            Broadcasting station: the broadcasting station is the station which sends out vibe signal in the form of thought to the receiving station.                                                                                                                             Receiving stations: is the station that interprets the command line from the broadcasting station then acts according to the instruction from the broadcasting station.                                                                           The receiving station is al


how-to-write-book-that-people-wants-to-read The mystery behind this invention. Alexander Graham invented the telephone you think it was coincidental? They had all conceived the idea long enough before it manifested.     Logically an average man would say it’s not possible, to converse with someone from as far as Asian to Africa all with a cell phone?  How can you withdraw cash with the use of some sort of a so called automated teller machine without having to go through the long, strenuous queue in the bank?  Thought defers logic. Ones you replace your negative thought with positive ones, you will start having positive result.                                                                                                             Imagination is stronger than knowledge, and dreams are more powerful than fact. The power of imagination makes us infinite.                                                                                        Logic is an act of reasoning.


The Virus of Unbelief. Years ago a Janitor of whom I am acquainted with, Very bright, told me her plans of starting up an insurance firm. And I said ‘’ that’s fantastic, so have you worked on anything lately? I mean have you made concrete plans on how to kick start?’’  ‘’yes all plans are on ground’’. She began listing laid down strategies which sounded sensible. And after the dick and harry story I gave her a big smile with a concluding remark ‘’ that’s smart of you’’.                                                                              We lost contact due to relocation and back then there were no means of communication except through facial contact. We relocated to a three bedroom semi detached house on a new suburb. Two years later we bumped into each other in an accessories store and after the norm greetings. She began telling me about how the idea of her mind blowing insurance firm went null. ‘’you know’’ she started, ‘’ I’d kill my insurance firm’’. Now she had start


How to Conquer Fear. Friends mean well when they say ''it's only your imagination, don't worry. there is nothing to be afraid of''.  yes fear is real and we must recognize it exist before we can conquer it. most fear today is psychological. worry, tension, embarrassment, panic all stern from a mismanaged negative imagination. This story will give you a perfect description on how to conquer fear. During World War II the navy made sure that all of its new recruits either knew how to swim or learned how to with the reason being, of course, that the ability to swim might someday save the sailor's life at sea. Non swimming recruits were put into swimming classes. I watched a number of this training experiences. in a superficial sort of way. i was really suprised for what i saw. Young healthy men terrified by a few feet of water. one of the exercises required  the new sailor to jump_not dive from a board six feet in the air into eight or more fee


A lighthouse is likened to a person who is awake. The design of both is to simply shine a light that provides those who may be lost with a direction to safety; that light just may be the only one a person sees. A lighthouse is a perfect example of what it means to an instrument without needing to add a bunch of nonsense to it. All a lighthouse does is shine a light so a ship can get a safe direction when its needed. It shines its light in clear weather the sa me as when there’s a storm, but its usefulness has much more value in a storm. It’s foundation is solid so a storm doesn’t have much of an affect on it. It has but one purpose and that’s to shine a light to those who need it. It’s not concerned with those who aren’t in need of its light; matter of fact it doesn’t even notice. It just goes about its business shining its light. It doesn’t run around shining its light all over the place, nor would that increase its effectiveness in any way. A lighthouse is strategically placed


If you expect the world to be fair with you because you are fair. you are fooling yourself. that's like expecting the Lion not to eat you because you didn't eat him. Moment of Decision.


Best Version of You


my Success story. After passing Matric in 1999, I did not have money to further my studies & I did not get proper guidance growing up. My Uncle was a Security Guard & my mother was a Domestic worker. My mom liked asking me to go and pay her debts at the end of every month, One day I went to the Mall to pay my mom's debts as usual. As I was going down the Escalator I saw a security guard she was well dressed with a tie very  professional in her approach. I was very impressed, I walked to her and greeted her and she greeted me back with a smile. I asked her the name of the company she's working for and where it was located. She responded very nicely, I said to myself one day I would love to work like her. When I got home I drafted my first ever CV and I asked my Mom to please give me a taxi fare so that I can go & submit my CV. The following day I went to the exact company to submit my CV & I was told by the receptionist there are no vacancies currently


Label Process The labeling process in place is all part of attachment and until there’s awareness of this, suffering remains. The degree of suffering is contingent on how attached one is to their labels. All labeling processes have been instilled without any consciousness on an individual’s part. Think about all that you do, how much of it is done consciously? You may think you decided to be a certain way or formed certain beliefs, but upon further review you will see  it all arises from the conditioning in place; this is how the labeling process emerges. This is done everyday all day long and all this does is create emotional swings that are caused by the applied labels. A label that’s liked is pulled in, a label that’s not liked is pushed away, each of these creates the same suffering, even if you don’t see it. What’s missed with this is you alone allow the things labeled to control you. The thing itself has no power, the label does. From Donald Trump, to catching a red tra