Leadership position.
Doorway to Leadership.
No one is ever pulled to high level of success without the support of those working under them. you do not succeed basically on your own. rather you get there because of the support from others. before you gain these support and co-operation from others, you must possess Leadership abilities.

There are 3 Rules to Leadership.
1. Communicate and Share ideas with those you want to influence:
Trading minds with the people you want to influence is a magic way to get everybody to act the way you want them to.

Ted B. worked as a television copywriter and director for a large advertising agency.when the agency obtained a new account, a  children's shoe manufacturer, Ted was assigned responsibility for developing several TV commercials.
A month or so after the campaign had been launched, it became clear that the advertising was doing little or nothing to increase ''product movement'' in retail outlets. Attention was focused on the TV  commercials, because in most cities only Television advertising was used.
through research of television viewers, they found out that about 4% of the people thought it was simply a great commercial, ''one of the best,'' these 4% said
The remaining 96% were either indifferent to the commercial or, in plain language  thought they ''smelled'.'' Hundred of comment like these were volunteered: ''it's wacky. The rhythm sounds like a New Orlean band at 3am.'' '' My Kids like to watch most TV commercials, but when that shoe thing comes on they go to the bedroom or refrigerator.'' '' i think it's too uppity up.'' ''seems to me someone's trying to be too clever.''
something intresting turned up when all the interviews were put together and analysed. the 4 %  who liked the commercial were people pretty much like Ted in terms of income, education, sophistication, and interest. the remaining 96% were definitely in a different socioeconomic class.
Ted's commercial, which cost a lot of money, flopped because Ted thought only of his own interest. he had prepared the commercials thinking of the way he buys shoes, not the way great majority buys shoes. he developed commercials that pleased him personally, not commercials that pleased the great bulk of the people.

2. What is the Human way to handle this:
People use different approach to Leadership situations. one approach is to assume the position of a dictator. the dictator make all decision without consulting those affected. he refuses to hear his subordinate side of the question because, down deep perhaps, he's afraid his subordinate might be right and this would cause him to lose face.
Dictators don't last long. Employees make fake loyalty for a while, but unrest soon develops. some of the best employees leave, and those remaining get together and plot against the tyrant. the result is that the organisation cease to function smoothly. this puts the dictator in a bad light with his superior.
A second Leadership approach is the cold,, i'm rule book operator approach. this fellow using this approach handles everything exactly according to the book. he doesn't recognize that every rule or policy is only a guide for the usual cases. this makes them treat Human Beings like a machine. people hate that approach a great deal. the cold, impersonal efficiency expert is not an ideal. the ''Machines'' that work for him only develop part of the energy. 
people who rise to great leadership height or position use the third approach that we call ''Being Human''.
Several years ago i worked closely with John S., who is an executive in engineering development section of a large Aluminium manufacturer. John has mastered the ''be human'' approach and was enjoying the reward. in dozen of little ways john made his action say, you are a human being. i respect you. i am here to help you   in any way i can.''
when an individual from another city joined his department, John went to considerable personal inconvenient to help him find suitable housing.
working through his secretary and two other women employees, he set up office birthday parties for each member of the staff. the thirty minutes required for this was not a cost rather, rather it was an investment in getting loyalty and  output.
when he learned that one of his staff member belonged to a minority faith, John called him in and explained that he would arrange for him to observe his religious holidays that don't coincide with the more common holidays.
when an employee or someone in the employee's family was ill, John remembered. he took tine to compliment his staff for their off the job accomplishment.
but the largest evidence of John's be human be human philosophy showed up the way he handled a dismissal problem. with this kind of character he gained the influence and full support of those beneath and soon climbed to the top.

3. Think, Believe, and Push for progress:
being a leader is not in mouth talk. it must reflect in productivity and over all growth  of your corner of leadership. one of the most complimentary things anyone can say about you is ''he is the ideal man for the job''. this word will give you a small sense of pride to push on for progress.
promotions in general do not go to someone without a leadership capabilities, it does go to someone who possess this qualities which must be reflected in the growth of an organisation or what you stand as a leader for.
if you can not push progress then you lack the ability of becoming a leader. 
becoming a positive minded person is also a leadership quality. a person that fears and see negativity in any challenge or task isn't fit to be a leader. when you believe in yourself, sooner or later you lit up the candle of believe in the lives of your subordinate and they magnet positivity as well. this magnet automatically makes them believe in your idea and principles even when all odds is against you.
