Quite a good number of commercials have made strong emphasis on this notion ‘’Go for Passion’’. Passion is a very strong, great, powerful deep felt emotion of belief in an idea or principle. When you have passion for something it grows into an obsession. Obsession makes you think nothing more on anything until you achieve that goal.
When you have passion for a course your mental, physical, psychological, emotional, social being gets involved in the process of actualization of that thing. At this point you become focused without minding the situation or circumstances that beclouds you. you become deaf and insolent to your limitations and begin to see victory before its arrival so the problems today don’t matter. If you go for passion success is but a few meters away.
Nothing matters but the will to succeed. Not your color, nor education nor social status, nor your ethnic background.
Often times we become obsessed with the life style of another fellow without taking time through conscious effort to find our own purpose driven life.
When Edwin c. Barnes made his way from the rail road track to Edison office, he saw himself standing in Edison’s office. He succeeded because he placed all his energy and effort on that goal. There was an emotional attachment to what he wanted. When someone achieves outstanding success we always ask ourselves two major question.
how was that possible?
How did he to do that?
We do not ask ourselves could that be what they enjoy doing? And for this sake we are all up in a hurry to embark on the same path.
The principle of passion states ‘’ Thou canst achieve outstanding success in any field of endeavor you have Passion for’’. You can achieve success in any other work of life but it may not be outstanding unless you have passion. Some individuals have made the mistake of becoming what they were never meant to be. Some have gone into a discipline or study because everybody is doing the same while other get convinced to go into a discipline most preferred by the family, not what they wanted. We all have what we are designed for and that’s where you can become completely efficient and productive. As we were created differently the same our career, life goals, opportunities, life partner and success. Barnes did not say ‘’well, I would settle for the status of an employee.’’ He said ‘’ I must become a business associate of Edison’’. He didn’t stop there, he continued ‘’even if it takes the remaining of my whole life’’. When you have passion for something you place your whole life on it. ‘’Oh! Thou man where is thy first love?’’. What do you have passion for? Stop trying to be somebody else. You have what it takes to become successful. You were created to render service to your world and that’s why you are great of a value than imagined. when you feel that strong urge to imitate a person may be because he is successful you must ask yourself two questions, if you can answer this question genuinely and effectively it may help you to find your path. here is the question that every individual at one point or the other must ask themselves.
If all men were lawyers, who would treat the sick?
Who would build the houses, rail lines and bridges when there is a demand? if Men were made for imitation how negative or positive would the world be?
Lets shed some light on this story.
Dan Mosques was a good artist, when it came to drawing, painting or any artistically inclined routine he was a god.
He was so good that his friends envied him real bad. Take a deep breath. Why would you wish to be someone else?
He was a genius, people were willing to pay cash for his services. We envy people because we don’t know the power that lies within us.
He graduated from high school and enrolled into law. it was never his decision but of the Dad’s. All through his stay at the university he studied hard, he did his assignment, he never missed classes, he was at peace with lecturers and fellow classmates and yet he made low grades each year. When he graduated it dawned on the Dad that he had given Dan a wrong education.
Anyone can push you out of your passion, your loved ones, friends, family, close associate if you are not strong enough to take a stand.
Dan’s Daddy called his son and said; ‘’what’s the problem’’? and in tears he made known his pains. ‘’You made me study law, when my intention was to become a renowned artist’’. ‘’Now I understand better Son. And wish I could be forgiven, seeing the pains and heartaches you have been through. Can you enroll in the school of art’’? Dan enrolled a little more than three month and became one of the finest artist that ever lived.
In April 1997, Jared was born into the Gibson’s family and his parent made what a friend call ‘’the worse decision of the century,’’ by placing the tag of an Engineer as a profession for a child yet unborn not minding what might be his choice when he is of age for they had sealed the cord of a selfish, self centered decision in their minds.
When he was of age, he was enrolled into the school of engineering and each year created room for yet an even worse result. Suicidal strategy became his dominant thought and One day the news came, he had jumped from the top of a building, about four floors and got multiple fractures. He was at the immediate rushed to the hospital and after few days on life support the doctor demanded a precise explanation as to what prompted such an action. Let him speak for he knows better ‘’ I went into studying engineering, not because I had any interest whatsoever for engineering. I did that to please my parent and their selfish ambitions, they knew what I loved to become but they just won’t let me be’’. And what was that the doctor asked in excitement. ‘’ I wanted to become a photographer by profession. There are a lot of wildlife photographs in my residence which I took while growing up. ‘’I cannot be a photographer because they lived in small house and drove small cars in comparison with their engineer counterpart’’ my parent said. This made me prefer the afterlife even at my prime age.
People feel a doctor is better than a photographer or a lawyer better off than a banker. It is not necessarily so, what matters is the man behind the wheel. Some photographers are well paid off than doctors, well recognized than a lawyer, well respected than an engineer.
What is your drive? Don’t let anyone not even your loved ones push you into becoming a shadow in the sun, be strong enough to know thy want, do not follow the crowd because majority does the same, be focused and try as much as you can to know and work on what you love doing, Know that there are times when those you trust would say insane things about you, there are times they would disbelief your work. Take them to be sick and ignorant don’t listen to them, stay focused and you would attain the height they never dreamed of. Remember this there is at all times a vacuum at the top and the bottom densely occupied so you must fight through to become the person you are destined to be. In an incident, One of American foremost physicist, said, ‘’A child does not need a lightning fast mind to be a scientist, nor does he need a miraculous memory, nor is it necessary that he get very high grades in school, the most significant point is that the child has a high degree of interest (Passion/Drive) in science.’’ A professional who doesn’t have Passion for a course would not achieve, even if he does would be less of a standard.
A man was asked by the media make known to us the secrets of thy success despite the level of competition in the product you sell. and his reply says a lot. ‘’ well I never knew much about the business, I only developed high level of interest and passion, this made me take out time in search for individuals who have quite a lot of experience in it, I applied every bit of the rules listed, this is the genesis of my success story.
Robert Kiyosaki ones said ‘’the size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dreams, and how you handle disappointment along the way.’’ Where do you belong? Do you go for what you are passionate about or you are of the cabals that choose to follow the norm of the World? You must strive for greatness, yearn for greatness, and cry for greatness. Imitation only helps to hide the original in you. When you follow your passion you achieve greatness with little effort and if you don’t you achieve small success with great effort. There is no such as a ready made success anywhere. successful people develop their ability and that’s why they become successful. go for Passion because that is the key you can leverage upon to fast track your destiny.
Friends if you like kindly comment below the post do share you and thanks for reading.
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Destiny Finder |
Nothing matters but the will to succeed. Not your color, nor education nor social status, nor your ethnic background.
Often times we become obsessed with the life style of another fellow without taking time through conscious effort to find our own purpose driven life.
When Edwin c. Barnes made his way from the rail road track to Edison office, he saw himself standing in Edison’s office. He succeeded because he placed all his energy and effort on that goal. There was an emotional attachment to what he wanted. When someone achieves outstanding success we always ask ourselves two major question.
how was that possible?
How did he to do that?
We do not ask ourselves could that be what they enjoy doing? And for this sake we are all up in a hurry to embark on the same path.
The principle of passion states ‘’ Thou canst achieve outstanding success in any field of endeavor you have Passion for’’. You can achieve success in any other work of life but it may not be outstanding unless you have passion. Some individuals have made the mistake of becoming what they were never meant to be. Some have gone into a discipline or study because everybody is doing the same while other get convinced to go into a discipline most preferred by the family, not what they wanted. We all have what we are designed for and that’s where you can become completely efficient and productive. As we were created differently the same our career, life goals, opportunities, life partner and success. Barnes did not say ‘’well, I would settle for the status of an employee.’’ He said ‘’ I must become a business associate of Edison’’. He didn’t stop there, he continued ‘’even if it takes the remaining of my whole life’’. When you have passion for something you place your whole life on it. ‘’Oh! Thou man where is thy first love?’’. What do you have passion for? Stop trying to be somebody else. You have what it takes to become successful. You were created to render service to your world and that’s why you are great of a value than imagined. when you feel that strong urge to imitate a person may be because he is successful you must ask yourself two questions, if you can answer this question genuinely and effectively it may help you to find your path. here is the question that every individual at one point or the other must ask themselves.
If all men were lawyers, who would treat the sick?
Who would build the houses, rail lines and bridges when there is a demand? if Men were made for imitation how negative or positive would the world be?
Lets shed some light on this story.
Dan Mosques was a good artist, when it came to drawing, painting or any artistically inclined routine he was a god.
He was so good that his friends envied him real bad. Take a deep breath. Why would you wish to be someone else?
He was a genius, people were willing to pay cash for his services. We envy people because we don’t know the power that lies within us.
He graduated from high school and enrolled into law. it was never his decision but of the Dad’s. All through his stay at the university he studied hard, he did his assignment, he never missed classes, he was at peace with lecturers and fellow classmates and yet he made low grades each year. When he graduated it dawned on the Dad that he had given Dan a wrong education.
Anyone can push you out of your passion, your loved ones, friends, family, close associate if you are not strong enough to take a stand.
Dan’s Daddy called his son and said; ‘’what’s the problem’’? and in tears he made known his pains. ‘’You made me study law, when my intention was to become a renowned artist’’. ‘’Now I understand better Son. And wish I could be forgiven, seeing the pains and heartaches you have been through. Can you enroll in the school of art’’? Dan enrolled a little more than three month and became one of the finest artist that ever lived.
In April 1997, Jared was born into the Gibson’s family and his parent made what a friend call ‘’the worse decision of the century,’’ by placing the tag of an Engineer as a profession for a child yet unborn not minding what might be his choice when he is of age for they had sealed the cord of a selfish, self centered decision in their minds.
When he was of age, he was enrolled into the school of engineering and each year created room for yet an even worse result. Suicidal strategy became his dominant thought and One day the news came, he had jumped from the top of a building, about four floors and got multiple fractures. He was at the immediate rushed to the hospital and after few days on life support the doctor demanded a precise explanation as to what prompted such an action. Let him speak for he knows better ‘’ I went into studying engineering, not because I had any interest whatsoever for engineering. I did that to please my parent and their selfish ambitions, they knew what I loved to become but they just won’t let me be’’. And what was that the doctor asked in excitement. ‘’ I wanted to become a photographer by profession. There are a lot of wildlife photographs in my residence which I took while growing up. ‘’I cannot be a photographer because they lived in small house and drove small cars in comparison with their engineer counterpart’’ my parent said. This made me prefer the afterlife even at my prime age.
People feel a doctor is better than a photographer or a lawyer better off than a banker. It is not necessarily so, what matters is the man behind the wheel. Some photographers are well paid off than doctors, well recognized than a lawyer, well respected than an engineer.
What is your drive? Don’t let anyone not even your loved ones push you into becoming a shadow in the sun, be strong enough to know thy want, do not follow the crowd because majority does the same, be focused and try as much as you can to know and work on what you love doing, Know that there are times when those you trust would say insane things about you, there are times they would disbelief your work. Take them to be sick and ignorant don’t listen to them, stay focused and you would attain the height they never dreamed of. Remember this there is at all times a vacuum at the top and the bottom densely occupied so you must fight through to become the person you are destined to be. In an incident, One of American foremost physicist, said, ‘’A child does not need a lightning fast mind to be a scientist, nor does he need a miraculous memory, nor is it necessary that he get very high grades in school, the most significant point is that the child has a high degree of interest (Passion/Drive) in science.’’ A professional who doesn’t have Passion for a course would not achieve, even if he does would be less of a standard.
A man was asked by the media make known to us the secrets of thy success despite the level of competition in the product you sell. and his reply says a lot. ‘’ well I never knew much about the business, I only developed high level of interest and passion, this made me take out time in search for individuals who have quite a lot of experience in it, I applied every bit of the rules listed, this is the genesis of my success story.
Robert Kiyosaki ones said ‘’the size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dreams, and how you handle disappointment along the way.’’ Where do you belong? Do you go for what you are passionate about or you are of the cabals that choose to follow the norm of the World? You must strive for greatness, yearn for greatness, and cry for greatness. Imitation only helps to hide the original in you. When you follow your passion you achieve greatness with little effort and if you don’t you achieve small success with great effort. There is no such as a ready made success anywhere. successful people develop their ability and that’s why they become successful. go for Passion because that is the key you can leverage upon to fast track your destiny.
Friends if you like kindly comment below the post do share you and thanks for reading.