overcoming procrastination.
Overcoming Procrastination.
In the simplest possible terms, Procrastination is doing what ought to be done now Later without  any reasonable or tangible excuse.

This are simple but Powerful anti procrastination therapy

1.  Clear Emergency Issues firstly:

 Emergency is an incidence or task that require immediate attention or solution. taking care of an urgency at real time prevents the worse from happening which definitely would have a great positive impact in ones life.
take for instance A drowning child requires an urgent attention than a Hungry child. if you do not rescue the drowning child there is a probability that he will die within the shortest possible time but i have not really had where someone died as a result of hunger. doing this will ensure you not loosing out important life issues.

2 .Create a time for Daily Review :
As the day breaks create quality time to think and reminiscence about the days activities and your plans in solving them. this will help you to place your priorities on a first and second bases from the so important to the not so important.

3 . Create an Anti procrastination time table:
This time table would give you a small sense of pride. it will help you to achieve every day task within the shortest possible time. statistics has shown that those who work with timetable rarely procrastinate and are more likely to becoming successful within the shortest possible time frame. Time is a myth, most people aren't aware of this. when you are placed under time for a particular task to be done there is a kind of discomfort you experience in your inner being until the work is fully executed.

4 . Execute Quick task in Real time : 

Task that do not take long time to get executed demands quick execution. knowing fully well it will not take much of your time and will add up to your daily completed work archive.

5 .  Do some Exercise :
Exercise do help boost our immune system thus getting us ready for action. may be several push ups, going to the gym or probably some sort of exercise that best suites you. as you do this exercise your blood flow increases and this makes you real active, your bones strengthens up. this will get you not just fit but ready for the days challenge.

6 . Develop the mentality of Procrastination Kills dream :

'' Procrastination does kill dreams than patience could''  a quote from a business mogul. When you have this kind of mentality you begin to act even when you don't feel like. of course no one would want his dreams terminated and because of this such an individual will do everything possible to make sure all task are complete for the day even when the body says no, ''i am tired''.

7 . Use the MIT Formula :(Most Important Task) 

The most important formula helps you to identify things that are more crucial to you well beings over thing that are less crucial. everyone knows that the most important thing ought to be done first, so do them first and try to execute the less important after.
You want to be  Model? i have got at this incredible tips for you.  8-keys-to-become-true-role-model.html
