
nothing is impossible
The mystery behind this invention.
Alexander Graham invented the telephone you think it was coincidental? They had all conceived the idea long enough before it manifested.   
 Logically an average man would say it’s not possible, to converse with someone from as far as Asian to Africa all with a cell phone?  How can you withdraw cash with the use of some sort of a so called automated teller machine without having to go through the long, strenuous queue in the bank?  Thought defers logic. Ones you replace your negative thought with positive ones, you will start having positive result.                                                                                                           
 Imagination is stronger than knowledge, and dreams are more powerful than fact. The power of imagination makes us infinite.                                                                                      
 Logic is an act of reasoning. It will move you from A to B, while imagination will take you everywhere. When we apply logic to success we hold ourselves back and end up becoming the shadow of the unfulfilled.                                                                                                                            Mr. Logic says metal is weighty thus it cannot float on water with quite a clever reasonable reason to stick to and that being the mass of metal is heavier than water. Logic would give you comfortably non arguable proof just to drift you to the lane of unbelief. But imagination created the world’s largest ship and made it sit on water without fear for a sink despite the large and weighty metal used in its construction.                                                                                                           Mr. Logic says grafting is impossible. It is a pro in fact manufacturing with a cunning nature.
  Before the invention of airplane some great but ignorant men including the father of the Wright brothers had come to the conclusion that metals will never fly because what goes up must come down. I called them ignorant in the sense that they were logically oriented, they were amazed when it became a reality. that singular invention countered that law. It’s not possible is an expression, sentence, clause that has subdued men into misery, poverty, lack and unsatisfaction in life, men who would have emerged into fortune, glory and fame.                     
